Chapter 3-alone

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Welcome to chapter 3 hope you have enjoyed the book so far and thank you for all the reads <3
(Trigger warning-blood,old scars,bruises)
Read with caution

Stiles was still standing in the clearing when Deucalion arrived,along with Ennis and the only female alpha in the pack who stiles knew as kali and the mate of Ennis,who in his opinion was very scary

But something in stiles relaxed as soon as they stepped into the clearing,the fear of the darach coming back and killing him sub-siding now that he wasn't alone anymore

"Your pack were here?" Deucalion frowned sniffing the air.

"Yes." Stiles nodded awkwardly

"And they just left you here?,alone,with a dead body and the killer still on the loose? Even if they don't believe you about the darach they shouldn't leave you alone!" Ennis growled lowly

"I told them to go,so you could come here,"stiles felt his heart thumping in his chest not sure if it is because of fear or hurt maybe a mixture of both.

"So what,we didn't kill them!?" Kali growled

"No so that a fight didn't break out and stamp over any important evidence!" Stiles said firmly
"Look I just want to find out who is killing these people,I thought you did to if you don't want to help then you can leave and I will do it all my self!" Stiles snaped

"Calm dear boy,calm we want to find who did this as-well" Deucalion reached out putting a hand on his shoulder holding it.

"Look I don't need this right now,you can stand there and accuse me of whatever you like,but you are the ones who are standing there for who knows what reason,so don't  speak to me as though I am the suspicious one! So help or don't help!" Stiles snaked once again shrugging Deucalion's hand of his shoulder,waking forward to start looking around,ignoring the hissed conversation behind him.

"What is it your looking for?" Ennis approached him carefully.

"Whoever we're looking for they hardly left any tracks behind them even your supernatural senses would find it hard to find any supernatural presence...but maybe they left human signs,not thinking about that when covering the supernatural..." stiles paused near the body.

"What is that?" Ennis paused near him looking at the area around him.

"A shoe print,our darach is a female."stiles crouched down

"How can you tell?" Deucalion asked from closer than stiles expected

"She wore heels to the woods."

"Classy." Ennis snorted

"So a female darach,that narrows it down a Bit,can you tell by looking at them why they have been chosen?"Deucalion asked

"No,not unless you can sniff something out?" Stiles asked

"No,nothing at all" Deucalion said sniffing the air

"Ok big guy you have a longer reach than I do. Put these gloves on for me and reach into the victims pocket and grab there wallet,so not to brush against their body." Stiles warned handing over gloves to Ennis

"Washing up gloves?" Ennis raised an eyebrow at him.

"Less likely to leave DNA behind" stiles nodded

"If your worried about leaving evidence behind what are you doing about all the evidence your lack left behind?" Kali raised an eyebrow at him

"What I always do...cover for them."stiles sighed tiredly

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