Final chapter-A little bit of kindness

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This is the last chapter (yayy) I'm sorry if it doesn't end like you wanted it or if you have any suggestions do tell and I might think of continuing to write :)

Stiles hummed slightly to himself as he came awake and was aware of the warm, firm body of his Alpha wrapped around him, Deucalion was still fast asleep, no doubt from the worry and panic that he had gone through yesterday finding Stiles missing from his sickbed.

He closed his eyes and focused on how he was feeling. Despite his slight tour of Beacon Hills the day before he was feeling better as he had expected, he would still be a little rough today, but he was definitely feeling better.

He had to wonder if the bonds that he could feel humming in his chest had anything to do with that. He had read that contact with Pack could help with healing in wolves, he thought that maybe it would be the same for werewolf Packs, even though he was human and it was just a cold.

His Pack bonds were like little warm embers in his chest, oh so new but bright and firm, warming him and securing him from the cold and loneliness that had been there before. He closed his eyes a little tighter and scrunched his head in concentration, focussing on the bonds.

He could imagine them as threads, linking him to each of the Pack, each strand individual, but all cementing themselves in his chest as one firmly knotted piece, right above his heart. Cautiously he mentally prodded around at them, considering them, and following them along, and after about twenty minutes he was sure that he was able to differentiate between the different bonds as to who belonged to whom.

He was sure that a wolf would be able to distinguish them a lot easier, but he could do it, each bond had its own individual feel and tint to it, what felt like a mixture of the Pack members personality and his relationship with them.

He wasn't shocked to find that he had a bond with Peter, a firm, bright thing that held the stubbornness of the both of them, but something that felt like was a lot of him, a bond that he had unconsciously forged with the werewolf and then held onto tightly, refusing to let it go, refusing to let the werewolf down and leave him with one more broken bond to deal with, refusing to let go of the man who deserved so much more than he was already getting.

He was a little shocked at him bright and firm, and settled, his bond with Deucalion felt, despite them only having known each other for a few weeks, it was blazing bright and solid, it felt as though he could shelter under its protection, and it would only take one light pull to it for the Alpha to be with him. He felt so much for Deucalion, so much so quickly, and part of him wanted to panic, but then he had always been the type to throw himself in headfirst.

His mother had been the same his father had said once, loyalty and love ran through her blood and once she thought someone was deserving of that she gave them everything, threw herself in without a glance back and gave the relationship everything that she had. His father said it almost like it was a bad thing. His mother had told him that it was never a bad thing to give a relationship your everything and to trust your gut, sometimes people let you down, sometimes they changed and were not who you hoped they would be, but it was always worth it because there were those in your life who were worth it, who made it worth all the hurt that you went through in life.

He had a feeling that Deucalion was that for him, he was worth all the hurt that Stiles had gone through with Derek's Pack, all the letdowns that he had had with Scott, without those relationships, with Stiles giving them his everything, Deucalion wouldn't have noticed him for the person he was, he wouldn't have seen the loyalty in Stiles that had attracted him to him.

He wanted to wrap Deucalion's bond around him and bask in it, he wanted to bathe himself in the glow of it and never let go. He would do anything for his Alpha, that loyalty that Derek's Pack had had and squandered was now all for Deucalion and his pack.

Can't I be saved?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora