Chapter 6-fivefold knot

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A.N- Hi! Hello! I'm updating again wooo sorry it's been so long but I've been busy lol it was Christmas and all lol hope you enjoy this chapter

"What happens now?" Stiles asked tiredly where he was still curled against Deucalion.

"Now, we go to bed, you rest, and in the morning we will see what you want to do school wise. Stiles, Kali went to check your home when you were here with us last time, there was no scent that your father has been in the house for a while," Deucalion said carefully was he wrapped his arms around Stiles more firmly.

"He and I have a difficult relationship," Stiles sighed, sounding more put together than Deucalion had been expecting with this conversation, he shifted so that his face was tucked into the Alpha's shoulder again before carrying on. "My mum died when I was eight, frontotemporal dementia,"

"I am sorry Darling," Deucalion hummed rubbing Stiles' back while making a note to look into the illness later.

"My dad, he left me in the hospital with her a lot while she was sick, he just carried on working. I was alone with her when she died. After that, his drinking became a problem. He had been a drinker before, he and mum argued about how much he drank a lot before she became ill. After, if he wasn't drinking he was working, and if he wasn't working he was drinking. I looked after myself, I made myself meals, shopped for the house, I cleaned it and kept it, made my own way to school. That lasted until I was eleven. Then he cleaned himself up because he nearly lost his job,"

Deucalion was aware that he was growling lowly, the thought of a small Stiles having to take care of himself. It was no wonder that he was so mature and independent, why he was so unsure of being looked after, it was something that he just wasn't used to.

"Things were good for a while, he never apologised, but I had a parent again, and we got closer. Then the supernatural happened, and I had to lie to him, I kept getting into trouble, or ending up in the wrong places, always involved in the trouble in the town. He just...moved out, it's not really been announced or talked about. He and Mellisa started dating and he just stopped coming home," Stiles shrugged.

"We could get you legally emancipated," Deucalion offered, only to feel confused when Stiles lifted his head and blinked at him.

"I thought you knew, you have pretty much clearly stalked nearly every part of our lives after all," Stiles said, sounding more amused than accusing.

"Know what?"

"I am eighteen, I was held back a year when mum got really sick," Stiles said.

"Oh...oh!" Deucalion smirked as he realised what that meant.

"No one has any legal say over me," Stiles nodded.

"Move in here?" Deucalion requested.


"I loath the thought of you in that house by yourself Stiles. Especially after what Derek did," Deucalion's eyes flashed red as he stroked over the still over the top bandages around Stiles' neck. "Though in the interest of starting this out with honesty,"

"Yes?" Stiles looked at him curiously.

"I would like for you to share my bed Stiles, this is not prerequisite to you being in the Pack or living here, if it is not something that you are interested in, I will never force you, and I would never want you to feel as though you had to, to be in the Pack. But I am very interested in you,"

"Oh," Stiles sounded so stunned that Deucalion tightened his hold on him.

"I am aware after the accusations that Derek threw at you that it may be something that you would not feel comfortable with and I understand and..." Deucalion blinked rapidly when Stiles brushed their lips together, nothing more than a brushing of lips, but its intent was clear, as was the slightly spicy, honeyed scent that came from Stiles.

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