Ch 6 : Training and troubles!

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As the night poured it's darkness into the world,the night angels kept flying around the heaven lighting up the space with their glittery presence. The colour of purple and blue playing with black to create the beautiful sky also gave some space for the stars to put their glow!
The night angels were happily flying past the big Castle as their wings were glowing in orange and red,their eyes shining in gold,wearing an overflowing dress as they checked the empty streets of heaven. Some night angels were sitting in tall towers looking after the people on Earth.

A sudden sound was heard and Serophina was alarmed. She rubbed her eyes as she caught a figure moving who she assumed to be Imelda. The big girl ran into the room and closed the door in a hurry as though she was running away from someone. Her hands were shaking as she slowly locked the door so as to not create any noise. She held her chest and let out a whimper. She immediately put her hand on her mouth and sat down holding her head. Serophina who was watching all this was concerned. She was not sure whether to go talk to her or just lie down silently. Imelda finally gave up and quietly tip-toed towards the bed. Serophina was clearly able to see her tear-stained cheeks as the big girl slowly climbed up the bed.
Serophina was confused. She quickly understood that something has happened which has scared Imelda. She tried so hard to sleep but something inside her won't let her rest. She closed her eyes and lay quietly for sometime. Suddenly,someone was shaking her,whispering something into her ears. She lazily opened her eyes to find Uxía staring at her.

"Uxía? What are you doing?"

"I want to go to the washing space. But I'm scared to go alone!" Uxía bit her lip nervously.

"Now?" Serophina sighed.

Uxía nodded with a pout.

Serophina jumped out of her bed and wore her fluffy pantofles while Uxía slowly unlocked the door. Both the girls sneaked out of the room,making each of their movements in a quiet,steady pace. The dark rooms matched the caliginous sky. They had to keep themselves in contact with the walls inorder to find the path. They had to traipse all around the floor to find the washing hall. Finally when they saw the washing space,a relieved smile spread across their faces. Uxía ran inside the room signalling Serophina to wait for her.
Serophina seated herself in a wooden table as it made a creaking noise. She quickly understood that her gesture was uninvited.
She was ambling across the hall gazing at the cornice in astonishment.
She quickly hid herself behind a davenport when she heard footsteps walking towards her.

"They come here just to lollygag under the big roof!" the voice was gruff and masculine.

"Calm down,Rocus!" A very feminine voice whispered.

"Many agree that the defence program is an unworkable boondoggle!" The anger in his voice was too loud.

Serophina was able to view their legs. The Male Angel was wearing black cargo pants while the female one wore a long brown trench coat and dark pants. They were all dressed in a very formal manner.

'Did they come to the Grand Dinner? Maybe I've seen them in the Selection Ceremony!' Serophina thought to herself.

' If only I could see their faces-' Serophina was stuck in between her bursting brain and placid heart.

When she was about to take all the risk and bend some more to get a clear view of them,she spotted another pair of legs walking towards them. She quickly backed off. A sweat ran down her forehead to the bridge of her nose.

"Here-",the new figure handed them something," -this information was gleaned from many highest rankers. Keep it safe!"

The new voice sounded very familiar! Serophina thought hard but couldn't figure out who it was.

"Finish it as fast as you can! We should stop this from happening!" The familiar voice said in a bold tone.

There was complete stillness and suddenly everybody froze to their spot when they heard the sound.

Serophina's heart sank as she heard the voice.
"Run,Uxía. Don't come here!" She kept muttering it to herself.

"Serophina....girl,are you in there?" Uxía was slowly inching close to the hall.

The new figure ran towards the entrance before Uxía could enter the hall so that she wouldn't see the other two of them.

"Aren't you suppose to be in bed? What are you doing here at this time?" The familiar voice questioned her.

"Oh,Chief Angel!-" Uxía put her head down," I actually came to the washing hall with Serophina but she's not there. Maybe she went back to the room!"

"Hmmm-" he nodded. "Go back to your room!It's not safe to be roaming around the castle at night!"

Uxía bowed down and left. The Chief Angel looked at the other two figures and nodded. The two figures slowly walked towards the door.

After making sure that they all have left,Serophina crawled her way out. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and sighed.

"What were they actually trying to do? Stop it from happening? Stop what from happening?" Serophina held her hand and took a deep breath.

"Who are those people? That voice sounded very familiar-who is that-"  a sudden thought popped up in her head,     " He talked with Uxía. She would have defenitely seen him."

Serophina rushed back to her room. The corridors wore dim lights and the path was too narrow. The legs that carried her in such a speed stopped dead at the sight. She saw someone dragging an angel into a room. His wings were half-cut and he was bleeding badly.
She was very scared. She was sticking to the same spot even though she wanted to run away from there. Her legs were not moving and her whole body was shaking.

She walked backwards in a quiet manner. She took each step very carefully. But unfortunately her wings had pushed a candle stand that stood on top of the wooden table. Alarmed by the noise, the stranger came running outside. Without waiting for help,Serophina started to run. She was blindly running in the dark here and there. After over running and hiding for about an hour,she was standing in front of the door giving few silent knocks. Uxía was the one who opened the door.
"Serophina,where were you? "

"Shhh-" she shushed her and locked the door. She hugged Uxía and put her head on her shoulders. Uxía parted the hug and looked into her eyes which looked super tired.

"What happened? "Uxía patted her shoulders gently.
Serophina remembered what she came for. "Uxía...Uxía-" she was breathing heavily.
"Who were you talking to,near the washing hall?"

"So you know I was getting scolded when I came in search of you and you still didn't join me!-" Uxía folded her arms across her chest and turned away. "Then you would have defenitely known who I was talking to!"

"No!It's not like that. I was stuck. That's why I couldn't come to your rescue. I'm sorry!" Serophina held her ears.

"Good! I take that sorry!" Uxía smiled," But why are you acting so weird?"

"Oh!That's a long story! Just tell me who was the one you were you talking to-"

"It was the Chief Angel. He caught me in the hallways when I was looking for you. I think he was  appointed in the duty of overseeing if any of the selected angels were roaming around unnecessarily!" She shrugged.

"Chief Angel!-" Serophina repeated. She quickly looked at Imelda who was now sleeping soundly in her bed.

The stranger who came outside to check the sound  spotted the candle stand on the ground. He placed the candle stand on the table,where he found blue and white feathers. He took those feathers in his hand and looked at the ceiling with the smirk.

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