ch 2:Upgrading and Enjoying!

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Life is strange not only on earth but on heaven too!

       After the final selection of the Spy Squad was done. The selected angels were taken to an upgrading exam Hall to get them upgraded and boost their level.

"Those angels who haven't still reached rank five,please line up here to get upgraded"

As they announced,all colour-winged angels lined up.There were three or four of them curiously lining behind each other.

"This is my favourite thing about being the Spy angel.You get upgraded super fast than those guardian angels who take years to reach our level through the boring community service!"Epyhah laughed,"I'm excited to get upgraded.I'll turn brand new.I have to go!"she joined the queue.

The other angels waited in the huge hallway which laid facing the reincarnation centre. Many souls were happily getting into the giant house to get reincaranated,which those angels teasingly call it as the big bucket machine!

"Hello!I'm glad to hear that you'll be joining me in the hell!"Zadkeil approached Serophina with a huge smile on his face.

His blue eyes glimmered as the sun tried to find its way inside his pupils.
He covered his face with his pure white wings to prevent the flirty sun.

"You're wings look gorgeous!",Serophina smiled.It was just a statement,not a flattery.

His wings were well-whitened that they carried a glow in them.The ends were a mix of blue and purple which added more magnificence and made him look more ethreal.Not to mention his perfectly chiselled features which have made many wings flap faster.

"If it weren't for you're little sister.I wouldn't be standing here!"she chuckled feeling a little annoyed.

"Oh!I'm so sorry for that.She-",He lowered his wings and put his head down.

"You don't have to apologise Zad.Nothing can be done after this.Lets meet at the grand dinner tonight!"she tried to light up the mood.

"Yeah!And you don't have to be worried about working in the hell.Well,I'm a Protector Angel-",his fingers ran through his thick dark brown hair.

"I'll do my best!",his smile widened causing his cheeks to go in to form a deep depression.

"Oh!man.He's killing me. I just pray to god that I don't fall for any cost",Serophina thought to herself.

She smiled back at him and went to meet Eyphah who was now dancing across the hall room happily.Her wings glowed in white with golden glow lighting up her edges.

"Babe,believe me!You've got the best glow up I've ever seen!"Serophina hugged Eyphah tightly.

"Oh!really!Do I look so beautiful?"She kept flappung her wings trying to show them off to everyone.

"Ofcourse,you do!",Serophina held her hand,"Now,let's go home and get dressed for the grand dinner!"she winked.

"Yes!",she threw her hands in the air happily,"We will be the centre of attraction tonight!"

As those two girls walked past the upgraded newbies,they looked at the  big smiles pasted on their faces as they were happily admiring their wings in the huge mirror that stood in front of them.

The hall was filled the sounds of laughter and joy.But,she knew that it won't last longer!

They held hands and walked down the stairs.It was already getting dark.No one was seen on the cloudy road.

"Everyone must be busy preparing for the Grand Dinner!"Eyphah nodded as she studied the empty streets.

"Eyphah-",Serophina looked into her dark eyes."So,how was the upgrading process like?"

"It was actually fun.We were sent through a golden tunnel which runs across the New Souls Centre and then we come out as an upgraded angel.The little fairies inside the tunnel help you with your transformation!"Eyphah shrugged.

"That must have been fun.I upgraded myself with the help of my sister.She was assigned for communtity service in the Reincarnation centre.Mom and dad used to go to work early and come home late.My younger siblings were left at the baby angels playground.So,it was only me and my sister.She used to take me with her to help her with her community service!"

"I'm super happy about my rank now!I now have the ability to control my emotions.They won't be reflected on my wings anymore!"Eyphah smiled wildly.

"I'm happy for you Eyphah! "Serophina smiled back.

"Okay!Let's meet at the dinner!",Eyphah ran happily towards her home.

They parted ways and went home to get ready for the grand party tonight which is held specially for the newly selected angels.

"Mom,I'm home!",Serophina knocked on the door.

"Sissy!"her younger sister,Oizys Oletra came running towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Oh!dear.Come and have a seat!",her mom lead her to the living room where the rest of the family were waiting for her.

"Sissy,You going to kill the demons!That's so cool!",Oizys ran and jumped on the fluffy feathery bed in joy.

"Hey!Castriel!Good job.I'm really happy to hear that you've been selected as a Spy Angel!"her big sister,Cybelle patted her head.

"I'm really proud of my daughter!",Serophina's father fed her a large chunk of apple cake.

"Good for you,Castriel.You'll get upgraded soon.Unlike us,who have to go through five years of community service to reach your level.All the best on your new journey!",Serophina's elder brother,Aeolus sat beside her.

"But aren't the devils scary?I don't feel like going there!"Serophina looked at her brother with a faint smile.

"Look!-",Aeolus held her hand,"One of my friend's also been selected as a Protector Angel who'll accompany you in hell.I'll talk to him about you.You don't have to worry!"

"Isn't Cymopoleia's son,Zadkeil also been selected as a Protector Angel?"Mom came from the store room with a big and fluffy pink gown.

Hearing Zadkeil's name,her sister quickly looked at me and winked . Serophina rolled her eyes in frustration.

Her sister held her shoulders and looked down at her,"You have Zadkeil,Eyphah and Aeolus's friend with you.They'll take care of you. Now!Go dress up for the party!"

"You'll be in the spotlight for three years . Everywhere we go,we'll see pictures and news about you!That's going to be great,huh?"Serophina's dad smiled at her with pride in his eyes.

     In simple words,a Spy Angel who is sent to spy and destroy the angels are the celebrities of heaven. All the details about their life in hell would be made public and the angels would exchange precious magic portions to get the autographs of the former Spy Angels.

"Look at this dress!As soon as I heard that my daughter has been selected for Spy Squad list.I left all my work and ran to Philotes's Shop to get you the most beautiful dress!",Her mom carried with her a giant pink gown knitted with flowers which sparkled in gold and silver coatings.

The whole family cheered her up on her mission and got themselves ready for the Grand Dinner tonight!

    Serophina studied the smiles on her parents faces as the smile on her face started to fade slowly. She got up and hugged her mom,managed to look into her eyes without tearing up as her mom handed her the gown and gently pushed her into the changing room with a proud smile that has managed to shrunk her beautiful blue eyes!

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