Ch 5: New friends!New family!

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Serophina and her roomates waited infront of the Chief Angel's door.
Zadkeil held Serophina's hand making her jump. He flashed his usual smile and she mirrored his reaction.

"Your wing-pair?" Imelda's playful smirk was clearly visible.

"Nah! He's just a friend of mine!" Serophina responded bluntly.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Zadkeil! A Protector Angel!" He extended his hands to greet Imelda.

"You're a Protector Angel? This is the first good news I've heard since I came here!" She shook his hands.

"You think I have a chance with this handsome man?" She murmured.

Serophina glanced at Zadkeil and then at Imelda before responding,"Maybe!"

She chuckled.

They stepped inside the Chief Angel's room and the other angels were already present,chatting about their lifes and giggling to not-so-funny jokes.
"Since all of them are here,let's start with our introduction!" The Chief Protector Angel stood in the centre of the room.

His room seemed to be a little spacious than the other rooms. And he had only one roomate with him. There were Seperate beds in his room which is now occupied by the wingies!

"My name is Iephthae. I'm the Chief Angel here. If you have any problem, come inform me immediately!-" he was cut off by a loud voice.

"Yes,go on. Do you have any problem?" The Chief turned towards the little girl.

"I couldn't find the wing cleaning space in my room!" Her voice was booming.

"Oh!I totally forgot about that. We are supposed to use only the common wing washing room near the Community Hall. For girls,you'll find it just near the hall and for boys you have the washing space on the other side of the Hall!"
       The Chief was tall,his arms muscular and veiny with broad shoulders that matched his slender face. His hair flowed down cupping his high cheekbones. His black eyes were sharp. His nose was thin with a high nose bridge and his lips thick and dark. He had wrapped his body in a golden suit which held his waist tightly making him look like an hourglass.

"What if it's urgent and I had to go there at night..Am I allowed to leave my room?" Imelda's voice was strangely calm.

"I'm not sure about that. But let's figure it out later!-" he scratched his head, " Now go on and introduce yourselves!"
He pointed towards a group of male Protector Angels.

An angel with wide purple-edged wings presented himself in front of the group. He wore a long white glittery suit with black floral marks on the collar. His tie held his neck tightly like a python and his fluffy brown hair made his face look so small. His thick brows creeped down all the way to his glabella to form a unibrow and his emerald eyes must have definitely increased his compliments. He was  a whole rainbow! His jawline had a perfect cut and his nose stood out of his face. He already had everyone's eyes on him. His tinted lips swirled towards a corner shyly. He waved his hands aggressively as though he was a fighter in the ground in front of a whole stadium!

"I'm Adrastus. I'm a Protector Angel and I'll work my best to take care of all the little ones here. Hope we can all be good friends and work together for our mission!" He made a ninety degree bow and shyly walked back to his place.

As the other angel walked towards the centre,everybody cheered for him.
"Seems like you already have your own fanbase here!" The Chief Angel let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Hello,my name is Aloïs. ",he swirled his hands and tilted his body to the side making a fancy wave.
       He wore  long earrings that carried his name in them.His button nose sat perfectly in the middle of his face which suited his foxy eyes and long thin lips. His eyeballs played with yellow and green while his hair kept running down his forehead almost covering his eyes. His clothing revealed his unique fashion sense. The black chockers embraced his neck,and his exposed collar bones were seductive. He was very pale. He wore a ultramarine single-breasted suit matching it with black bean pants.
       "We are in this together. let's help each other  and wash out those demons completely!" He held his hand high, clenching his fists tightly.

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