Angel Smackdown

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"Before you continue, I must ask." She started to try to cheer me up before I could continue. "How far along are you?" She tried to ask as cheerfully as possible. I looked at her and my eyes shimmered, "Ah. Like... 7 or 8 months. I feel fat." I said as we both shared a laugh.

"That's nonsense. You look fine. You're pregnant you know." Hearing this, I just nodded. She then continued, "Your stomach looks bigger than a normal pregnant woman though. How many are you having?" My sad smile only grew, "Triplets..."

"Oh wow! Do you have names for them yet?" She asked.

"Liana, Ryan, and Leah," I said, as she happily clapped her hands. "Congratulations once again." She then remembered that she had a job to do. Her smile faded a bit. "Alright. Back to your story. What happened next?"

I took a breath as I continued the story that made me end up here.

"My work with them began. The first thing I did? I helped them wipe out Angela. Honestly, you should have seen it."

I sniffled, wiping tears from my eyes. "I ain't gon lie. Being there was the best time of my life."


I looked up from my bow and smiled. Sebastian, like usual, his face is either stoic or unreadable. But behind his eyes, he's saying, "MASTER? What the actual fuck are we doing letting this woman all up in yo business?" From this, I only smirk. I thought I'd be afraid of Sebastian but really, that changed when I realized how I felt about him. I knew what to expect honestly.

So why was I scared before? I don't know. The feeling passed.

"You said we're from a universe thought fictional correct?" Upon hearing this, I nodded.

"Then you have an idea of what will happen next?" Ciel asked and I nodded again before speaking up.

"You're soon gonna have a conversation with the leader of the cult. They're also going to try to make you one of them. They have to cleanse you first. Which is just a bath. After that is where the conversation takes place. You're going to talk about the book he possesses. He will then tell you that he can read a few pages for you. He will then rest his hand upon your head. A familiar feeling will wash over you. Then you will order Sebastian to kill him. But since I don't know what will happen if I tell you everything, mostly because of the butterfly effect, I cannot tell you everything." Ciel's face went from curiosity to annoyance.

"Is this some Sick joke? Answer me Y/n!"

I only shook my head, as I opened my mouth to tell the near ending of this episode, "I'm 100% serious. I am not in the right position to lie to you right now or ever. But just expect Angela to come after the leader is killed by Sebastian. Chaos will rise as Angela after everything that happens, will try to do something that will kill everybody in this church. Mostly because she believes everyone in here is unclean and unnecessary. And so she shall begin a cleansing. But she shall fail. That is all I can tell you."

"Isn't there something we can do?" Ciel asked, almost yelling. "There is one thing you can do Ciel. This won't make sense to you now but this will make sense to you when it happens: do not let go of your hatred."

Upon hearing this, Ciel, Sebastian, and Grell looked at me confused. I did my best to muster up a reassuring smile.

"I only ask you to trust me on this. At the end of all of this, you, Ciel Phantomhive, and Sebastian Michaelis shall come up to the top victorious. And I have an idea to disperse this cult as the icing on this proverbial cake."

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