Chpt 6: Meet Jodie Jackson, Percy's Blown Up Kid

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Nico's POV:

So hurrah we found a secluded spot after an intense game of rock, paper, scissors that somehow Percy won. I blame the small smirks he was sending me throughout the match, trying to distract me. Annoyingly, it worked. Dam Poseidon children using good looks to their advantage. So unfair right?!

Anyways, Perce used his brain and found us a spot that wasn't the ocean so that 1) Poseidon wouldn't get a whiff of his son being alive. And 2) I wouldn't be smited for being so close to the Sea God's domain.

Then there was the argument about who gets to open Dad's delivery. We weren't going to get anywhere so I stole the parcel while Percy pouted. And what did we get? A blue puppy.
I'm not even going to ask at this point.

Now, what in Tartarus are we going to do with this?

"Awwww it's so cute!" Percy gushed, "Let's name him Jodie!!"

Then Seaweed Brain decided to pick Jodie up but ended up dropping him. The puppy burst into flames and created a portal. While I prepared to enter this anomaly, Percy dropped to his knees with tears streaming down his face as he mourned the loss of his son. When did we ever get kids?! I wasn't ready for this blue furball to come into our lives!

"Nooooo! We could've had so much fun together!! Why Neeks, why?!" Perce exclaimed. Honestly, I was just nodding onto everything he said. Once Perce was on a roll there'd be no stopping him now, "How can the world be so cruel taking this sweet soul before its time? I could've taught Jodie how to play ball, make blue cookies, going to the park together, the art of Baby-Seal eyes-"

That snapped me out of my stupor. "No. Even if Jodie was alive-"

"He's not dead just lost!"

"-I would NOT allow you to teach Jodie the Baby-Seal eyes. Do you hear me? The world is already endangered by your one alone. I forbid you to teach Jodie." I said sternly. It scared me with what Percy and the-now-late Jodie would've been able to do with such power.

"Fineee. But when will we start to find Jodie?" This guy- Didn't he realize that the portal was Jodie?!

"Whenever we can. Now let's go through this dam portal." I said signalling the end of this discussion.

Dragging Seaweed Brain through the portal was a pain, let me tell you that. I could've sworn that this was the first time he'd ever thrown a tantrum, sobbing over the loss of his son after only looking at Jodie for 3 seconds. Where's the logic in that?!

After many attempts of persuading Percy to come through, I just carried him bridal style. Stepping out, we were met with toxic fumes, skyscraper buildings, and creepy screams all overshadowed by this dark, eternal cloud. The only thing remotely bright was the neon "Welcome To Gotham" sign.

Dragging this still mourning Percy into the alleyways all I could think was, what shit have we put ourselves into now?

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