𝓿𝓲𝓲 ── 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺

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· · ─────── · 𝘋𝘖𝘖𝘔𝘌𝘋 · ─────── · ·

007. SEVEN: doomed


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

PRETTY SOON, THE DAY THAT THE TRIBUTE HAD BEEN DREADING HAD ARRIVED. It was Game Day. Moments before she would be sent up, Valencia was with Eila, who was helping her get settled into her outfit. The first thing that Valencia noticed was that the suit was extremely tight on her body but thin.

"The suit is thin and tight, so I think that the climate will be humid. Hopefully, it's water since that's basically your element." Eila informed her before looking her over with a sigh. "It's time to go."

The blue-haired woman pulled a golden bracelet from one of her many pockets and put it onto Valencia's wrist with a small smile. "Just so you know who the real enemy is."

The brunette nodded, aware of what the bracelet symbolised. Despite not ever showing affection to her stylists, Valencia reached over and brought the shorter woman into a hug. "Thank you, Eila."

"Of course, my love."

"20 seconds until launch."

With a deep breath, Valencia pulled away and walked up onto the platform that would be sending her into the arena. The glass tube dropped down around her as she turned to face Eila again, giving her a soft smile.

The smile faded when the door to the room opened, and Peacekeepers flooded in, armed with weapons. Valencia pounded against the glass with numerous yells as they beat Eila to the ground, wounding her badly before dragging her away. Knowing that this was a result of the act of rebellion the tributes had displayed, Valencia swore that she would hurt Snow, in more ways than one.

Her yells were cut off as the platform began to rise towards the arena. Moments later, the brunette squinted as the bright light of the sun blinded her. Once she adjusted to the light, she noticed that the air was warm and right in front of her was the one thing she absolutely loved, water.

She looked around at the other platforms, trying to find anybody that she recognised but nobody she knew was close by. Having to wait a minute before moving, Valencia readied herself to dive into the water, not feeling particularly sorry for those that couldn't swim.

Once the time hit zero, Valencia took in a deep breath before diving into the water. Feeling like she was flying, she knew that she was moving faster than the other tributes, possibly excluding Finnick. Her thought was confirmed when she was among the first to reach the Cornucopia.

Grabbing a pair of daggers, she turned to find anybody she knew. Finnick. Katniss. Johanna. Peeta. Instead, she was met by a male tribute with a raised sword above her head.

The woman took no moment of hesitation and sprung into action, dodging his attack. Taking advantage of the slippery rocks that the Cornucopia was made out of, she swept his legs effortlessly, making him fall backwards, hitting his head on the rocks. The brunette moved forwards to stab him in the chest but groaned when his hand gripped her wrists, preventing her from finishing him off.

The male tribute pulled her to the ground and smiled when she fell next to him. He quickly stood back up and raised his sword again, ready to kill her. Valencia prided herself on being the type of person to never give up, so she smirked when she brought both of her legs up and kicked his stomach which sent him flying away from her.

Her brown eyes widened when a trident unexpectedly punctured his stomach from behind, killing him. When the cannon went off, Valencia watched as his body fell forwards, revealing Finnick standing behind him with a smile.

Valencia let out a sigh of relief before giving him a short hug. "Thanks."

Finnick nodded before noticing the bracelet on her wrist. "Oh, you got one too?"

"Of course I did. Hate to break it to you, Fish Boy, but you're not all that special." Valencia teased him before nudging his shoulder. "Now, come on, We've got to go find Katniss and Peeta."

Valencia grabbed her daggers and walked over to where Katniss was in the midst of shooting a tribute. Finnick walked towards her but backed up and raised his hands when Katniss turned to fire an arrow at them, with Valencia doing the same, their matching bracelets on show.

"Hey. Good thing we're allies, right?" Finnick asked her, showing her the bracelets.

"Come on Katniss, remember the real enemy," Valencia told Katniss, echoing some of Eila's last words to her.

Katniss wasn't easily convinced and refused to lower her weapon. "Where the hell did you get those?"

"Where do you think?" Finnick asked, noticing another tribute behind Katniss, just as Valencia did.

"Duck." The duo said at the same time. Katniss did as they said, so the blond and brunette threw their weapons at the tribute, giving each other a prideful look when the trident impaled the tribute's chest while the dagger impaled his skull.

Moving to grab their weapons back, Valencia handed Finnick his trident back before looking up at Katniss, grabbing her dagger. "Don't trust one and two, alright?"

Finnick pointed in two directions before talking to the women. "You two take that side while I find Peeta? I'll let you know once I've found him."

Valencia nodded before dragging Katniss with her, where they managed to kill yet another tribute. A moment later, they heard Finnick calling for them. "Val, Katniss! He's over here!"

The women rushed over to find Peeta fighting someone in the water. Valencia's eyes widened for a moment before handing Finnick her daggers and diving into the water.

"Val!" Finnick exclaimed, rolling his eyes when Katniss aimed an arrow towards where she had dived. They became alarmed when everything became eerily silent.

When another canon went off, Finnick gulped while Katniss narrowed her eyes. The moment a body appeared, Finnick's breath caught in his throat but let out a sigh of relief when he noticed that it was a random tribute.

Valencia and Peeta's heads appeared above the water, and the former looked at Katniss in disbelief. "I just saved your fiancé. Now, put the damn crossbow down."

Finnick nudged Katniss, who did as Valencia said before helping him to get the pair out of the water. Valencia looked around before seeing the Careers. "We've got to go, come on!"

◤ ──┅┅┄┄*ೃ:.✧✲゚*。⋆─── ⋆✩⋆

author's note: hey guys! just letting you guys know that i have a tiktok where i make edits based on my fics, it's angelicluvswp_ for anyone who wants to follow it! i also just published a the umbrella academy book with diego hargreeves as the love interest named IRIS. don't be afraid to comment or write something on my conversation board, i love reading them <3

𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐃, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum