Samuel Pt.2

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Adan was still. "You were taught voodoo and black magic? Oh man, that's not good. That's what I keep telling Crystal, not to mess with the paranormal crap. So you took the risk?"

Samuel nodded. "I did, and even now, I regret doing so. However, my curiosity got the best of me, and I learned the religion and spells." He moved his hand and showed Adan how Samuel and Delilah practiced voodoo and other black magic forms. Adan would occasionally look away when there were some sexual activities involved. 

"Okay, so what happened next?"

Samuel was silent for a moment. "As I mentioned, Delilah and I developed feelings for one another. She wanted me to give her and her family freedom. Even though I loved her dearly, it would have been a risk since I needed them to work the lands. Also, I would lose the townspeople's respect, and I could lose business. However, one day, a landowner was interested in becoming partners. I was also interested, for it could help my conditions, but there was something I had to do."

"Which is?"

"The landowner suggested an arranged marriage between his daughter and me."

Adan was intrigued. "What did you do?"

"I accepted; it was an opportunity that I couldn't miss. I accepted, but Delilah didn't take it well. I knew I hurt her, and she threatened to tell everyone about the voodoo activities. So I-I threatened to sell all her family apart or accuse them of witchcraft if she dared say something."

"Dude, not cool."

Samuel looked down, ashamed. "I know. It was terrible to threaten such a thing, but I was desperate for a better life than my forefathers. Anyway, then this happened."

Both men were inside the house; it was dark outside and snowing. Delilah's family was in their shack, resting. Samuel was in his room writing some paperwork when a knock on the door. Delilah entered without permission. She wore a long, pale white dress; her short, curly black hair was in disarray. Her eyes looked tear-stricken, and her face had small scars from the pox. "Samuel."

"Delilah, you should be asleep."

The young slave woman entered. "I can't sleep. Please, don't marry that woman. She won't make you happy."

"Not this again, please, Delilah." Samuel stood, and he walked to Delilah, hugging her. "You know our union can never be. Our lives will not be the same. This is my one chance to make a better life."

"You expect me to be your mistress? If you marry that woman, she gonna find out, anyway!"

The young man was silent as he turned away from Delilah. "No, she won't. I decided to sell you all to another landowner that needs more slaves."

Delilah stilled. "Wh-What did you just say?"

"You heard me. I realized that keeping you all here is too risky. Don't worry; this landowner is known to treat his slaves well."

"No, you lie! You lie!"

Samuel eyed her, emotionless. "As serious as can be."

Tears formed in Delilah's eyes. "All that happened between us meant nothin' to you!"

He didn't respond as he turned his back to her. "You all will leave first thing tomorrow morning. Now sleep. You will need all your energy. I'm sorry. Truly I am."

Delilah felt her heartache in agony; she couldn't think straight. Anger, betrayal, and hurt overcame her. She began to speak another language while taking a knife out under her dress. Samuel turned, but then Delilah ran to him, stabbing him in the chest. Samuel felt pain and shock over the sudden action. "D-DELILAH!?"

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