Chapter 4: Hestia's Palace

Start from the beginning

"I am glad that you are retrieving your memories faster. But it still seems that the more deeper ones that are really useful still need to be uncovered," she said. 

"Why don't you just tell me?" you asked. This was getting frustrating the more you asked her. Why couldn't she just tell you what was happening to you?

"I am afraid that it should happen naturally. I remember when you were Lagertha, how you were so confused. You complained at first, but eventually, you looked so much more... wiser. You looked like you knew most things that the other Vikings wished they were taught. When we met you even served me homemade wine. From that day on, we were the best of friends," she said, a small smile tugging on her lips. 

"Were we that close?" you asked. Brunhilde nodded. 

"Yes. It was interesting when you told me about these memories. But I accepted it after you proved it," she said.

"How did I prove it?" 

She stopped turning to you. "You told me how Achilles had died in the war, but in detail. Down to his very last moments," she told you.

"Everyone knows how Achilles died, though?" 

She shook her head. "You described as if... you were there personally." 


"Auntie! How wonderful to see you again!" Loki exclaimed, his arms spread wide open as approached Hestia.

"Hello, Loki. It has been a while," she said, returning his hug. "I hope you didn't cause too much mischief on your trip." 

Loki let go of her, smirking. "You know I can't do that." 

Thor stood by his father, Odin, as they watched the exchange between the two gods. Thor held Mjölnir by his side, his face not holding any expression. He always looks so bored no matter what happens around him. Odin had his two crows, sitting on his shoulders as they glared at Loki — who was still talking to Hestia happily. 

Hestia finished her conversation, looking at the two cold gods. "I welcome thee to my Palace. I do hope that you enjoy your stay here," she said. 

Thor nodded his head before walking into the Palace, and most likely, to his room. Odin however stood still in his spot. Hestia rose an eyebrow, looking at Odin. 

"I am sure you heard about the prophecy," he said, the first to speak out of the two of them. 

Hestia nodded her head. "I have. Quite odd how a human could pass through the Bifrost."

"Impossible!" the white crow shouted, a glare in his eyes. 

"Utterly impossible!" the black crow responded with the same glare in his eyes as well. "How could a human pass through the Bifrost?!" 

Hestia shrugged her shoulders. "We may never know unless we ask the little human themselves," she said, a gentle smile present on her lips.  

Odin hummed, while his two crows kept on bickering. He gave them a look causing the two to keep quiet. 

"If you would allow me," Hestia began. "I would like to show you to your rooms. Unfortunately, your rooms have been moved to the west wing. We are doing some construction on the east wing." 

Hestia stood by the door, watching how Odin raised an eyebrow. His eyes clearly didn't believe her, but he nodded nonetheless. Hestia walked forward, showing Odin to his room. 

While Hestia was showing Odin to his room, Loki had caught up with Thor while he walking to his own room. 

"Thor! Thor! Tell me, what do you think of this prophecy?" Loki asked, trying to get a reaction out of him. Thor kept walking, keeping his cold and neutral expression on his face. It didn't matter what Loki did, Thor would just simply avoid it or ignore it. Loki, realizing that we will not get a reaction (like all the other times), huffed as he looked out the huge windows. 

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