"Just two," Ben confirmed.

"Great," I grabbed two menus and two sets of silverware that were wrapped in a fancy napkin. "This way," I told them and headed towards an empty booth towards the back.

They took their seats across from each other and took the menus I offered them before I set down the silverware. "Amanda is your waitress. She'll be with you soon," I said, but was already turning and walking away until I was behind the swaying doors that led to the kitchen.

I took deep breaths and tried to calm myself down as I was already feeling worked up just from that simple- and painfully awkward- encounter.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. I knew that shouldn't ruin my mood, but I couldn't help the disturbed feeling I got when I had to take Sam and his stupid fucking boyfriend to a table. And it pissed me off more to see Boring Ben, couldn't he have grown some worts on his face or something to make him ugly?

Didn't Sam know this was torture for me?

And it wasn't like I still had feeling for Sam, I was over him. I just wasn't completely over what happened between us and it was bad enough trying to gouge out the image of Carter and Sam having sex, then I had to remove Boring Ben and Sam together?

I wanted to scream, or punch a wall, or drink a bottle of something strong. Anything to take away the gross feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around. "You good?" Wes asked. He must've just clocked in.

"My ex is here with his boyfriend."

"Ooo! Where?" He said as if it was juicy gossip and poked his head out the kitchen doors.

"You're such an asshole."

"Come on, I want to see the guy who broke your heart."

"Piss off," I told him bitterly.

He faced me, "hey, I was just giving you shit. I'm sorry, I know he's a touchy subject."

"He's not," I spoke harshly then took a deep breath. "Sorry," I said.

"It's okay. I gotta go be a sexy waiter," and with a pat on my shoulder, "Don't let him fuck up your mood," he advised and walked out the kitchen after tying his apron around his waist and grabbing a tablet that was used for taking orders.

I sighed and got back to work.

Luckily, with three busboys, I didn't have to work in zone 4- where Sam was seated- but every so often, I'd look at him and he'd look at me. It wasn't until Ben went to the bathroom when I felt Sam staring at me. That was also when I was by the host protium and the flirty red dress girl and her companions came by.

"I guess I'll see you next time," Red Dress said.

Her two friends walked out, but before she could, I grabbed her wrist and drew her back to me. "What if I asked to kiss you to make someone jealous?"

She grinned, "I'd say, what are you waiting for?"

My hand went behind her ear, my other hand on her waist and I kissed her, giving Sam a show. Red Dress kissed me back, even in her heels she was still on her tippy toes. I slipped my tongue in her mouth and she accepted it like candy.

She tasted like the baked ziti.

I pulled away. She bit her lip to keep her from grinning. "What time do you get off?"

I chuckled, "DM me after eleven. At Noah Wright."

Then she really grinned, "Bye for now,"

I have a soft wave before turning towards zone 4. Ben was back from the bathroom and Sam was mindlessly twirling pasta onto his fork. I knew he had seen me with Red Dress girl, but part of me hoped for a better reaction. They left a half hour later.

The rest of my shift was dull and I couldn't wait to get home and sleep. Then I remembered Red Dress when I got a notification from Instagram.

Kara Louis followed you and sent a message

I clicked on the notification, bringing me into the social app.

Kara: Heyyy that was really fun😊 maybe we could have some more fun tonight?

I sent her my address.

Noah: And don't wear anything expensive bc I'm going to tear it off of you. You looked crazy sexy tonight.

Kara: I can look even sexier for you. I'll be at your place by 12

I collapsed onto Kara's naked body, out of breath and sweaty. "Fuck, I forgot how good pussy is."

"That's because you haven't had me till now," Kara said confidently. And she was definitely a confident girl in bed too.

I kissed her before getting off the bed. I rolled the condom off me and tossed it in my small garbage bin. "You can spend the night if you want," I told her as I grabbed a towel off the hook attached to my door- the same towel I used hours prior after my shower- and handed it to her.

"Um yeah, it's already past two, so if that's alright, I'll just sleep over. Where's your restroom?"

"Across the hall," I told her and she snuck off in that direction.

That night, my arms wrapped around a beautiful girl, I couldn't stop thinking about Sam because there was something I noticed when I cleaned up his table after they left. Sam barley ate his food.

My stomach felt queasy at the thought of Sam starving himself. Was Ben doing anything about it? Did Sam's parents know?

I didn't get any sleep that night.


Noah can't help but think about Sam...

Thank you for reading!!

-Xoxo Bert

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