✯Eight✯ - Lakewood

Start from the beginning

With a figure as his, Teresa couldn't help but wonder why he never tried to join the football team. Infact he kept himself away from any athletic activities, but had participate in joining the fine-art class. A picture Teresa finds hard to believe he capture. But as usual his presence had brought a lot of his female admirals to be among fine-art class even if they knew nothing about it. Teresa could remember staring in disgust at the brazenness of those females as she sat on the donkey chair facing a large half painted canvas.

Somethings she felt he loved the attention he got to the opposite sex.

Jacob's large hand covered her eyes, taking her again by surprise. She moved her free hand to pull it away. "Stay calm." He said letting go of her hand he held tight a few seconds ago. She could feel him standing too very close behind her, so close that she felt the hardness of his body. Her breath hitched at the close proximity of his body. "Tell me what you feel?" He whispered to her ear again, this time around made sure his lips brushed the earlobe.

Her heart beat too fast for a normal human being, as she suppressed the urge to gasp at the spark his lips had brought to her, almost knocking her off her feet. 

Teresa's mind was a complete mess, as she found it hard to concentrate, or understand whatever he spoke of. She cautioned herself of her wanton and foolish she was acting at the mere touch of only his warm lips on her earlobe.

"Teresa." He said her name seductively, as one of his arms wrapped around her waist keeping her from falling on her knees, while still holding his hand to her eyes. He pulled her more closely into his body. At this point she could feel every curve and hard length of his body. "Tell me what you feel?"

"You." She dropped the word out suddenly and unfiltered, catching her completely off guard. Jacob only let out a chuckle, his breath tinkling the nape of her neck.

"As much as I appreciate your answer, I might have asked the wrong question." He murmured, the hold on her waist tightened, and his breath became heavy, as if her response had completely rattled him. "What do you sense?"

Teresa chose to concentrate more, even though what she had rather preferred doing was to disengage herself from his tight hold. She hated the way her body surrendered to his touch, a fact she didn't know he controlled.

She took in a deep breath of the air, trying to sense what change had touched the atmosphere. The mixture of the coldness, and fresh breath of something rainy. A scent that can only come from water. She opened her mouth whispering the word. "Water."

"Congratulations you just earned yourself back your sight to see." His hands free her, making her squirt her eyes at the brightness of the surroundings. 

Teresa had wanted to shun him off at his childishness he displayed, but swallowed her words the moment she took in the beauty facing her. Her breath seized at the large lake glittering with the ray of sun touching the surface of it.

She felt Jacob walked pass her, facing her while walking backward opening his arms wide, with a huge grin on his face. "Welcome to our very own Lakewood." He spoke with such tranquility she had never saw in him.

"Jacob." She said breathlessly, with her hands covering her mouth. Shaking her head at the open view facing her. "It's beautiful." She choked out, her legs carrying her towards the path Jacob took, his eyes for once from leaving her, as he continued walking backward.

The small wooden bridge creaked as she stepped on it until they both reached the end of the bridge. "How is this place hidden from Grandpa Daniel's house?"

Jacob turned facing the lake, his eyes narrowed at the scene opposite him, but Teresa could see his lips twitch as he smiled. "You can only see it through the Masters bedroom."

She wrapped her arms around herself, as the cold breeze crawled its way to her skin. "How did you locate here?" 

"I remembered visiting Daniel nine years ago, and sighted the lake the moment I entered his room. It took me hours to locate this area." He sighs deeply as the atmosphere is pure and comforting. "It reminded me of someone." The emotion in his voice when he said that surprised Teresa greatly.

She wanted to ask him who, but she found herself unable to speak. Teresa was seeing a new side of Jacob she had never seen. The peaceful side of him. She was used to seeing his mischievous, angry and teasing side. This unfamiliar side of him, made Teresa short of words. She found herself liking this side, it made him more approachable, and more humanly kind.

But as expected his demeanor changed, welcoming back mischievous Jacob back, as he whirled around himself  a smirk on his lips, his brows wiggling teasingly. "So let's talk."

She held her breath at his sudden change of behavior, responding back nodding her head. "Of course. Do you start? Or should I?"

He jerked his chin towards her. "It's best you should. But before you do that," he added, moving his hands to the hem of his shirt, pulling it off his body within a blink of an eye, "I was thinking we should go for a little diving to have this conversation." He slowly said, pulling off his blue jean trousers in a flash, leaving only his brief on.

Teresa gulps, as her eyes linger on the visible hard strain of his length hidden behind his brief. His muscular hairy thigh, called to her hands, as she clenched it tight to a feat. 

She fought her gaze from raising to stare at his chest, but failed as she took in his bare form. His pink small nipples perk with the coldness of the air, she watched as his abs clenched hard as she gazed there longer than she intended, she noticed a trail of straight hair from after his navel disappeared into the brief he wore.

Teresa had no idea how long she kept staring, that she wasn't aware of Jacob's quick step as he covered the spaces between them. His voice raspy as he spoke, "I told you this place reminded me of someone, how the person feels towards me." He immediately wrapped his arms around her making her gasp out at the closure. He pulled her as they both stood at the edge of the bridge. "This is how the person feels about me." 

She let out a scream as they both fell into the arms of the awaited water, Jacob's arms holding her tight.

Immediately she welcomed the cold, they both sank deep.

Teresa had no idea why. But she felt he might actually be referring to her.


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