I could almost hear myself thinking. But George doesn't know that.

Well, maybe not. He raised his wand. I grabbed him by the hand, reaching backward, then ran- as fast as I could, with George trying to keep up while trying to swat my hand away from his.

"Okay, Geroge. Listen, I'm really sorry but I need to go. You - you need to hide somewhere. We'll try to get out to the grounds, find someone, okay? I'm really sorry I-"

"Draco, just run. I don't care if you have a plan or not."





After I had my parents regain their memory, I was afraid. Afraid of what might really happen if they knew I fought through one of the biggest wars in Wizarding history, if they ever choose to acknowledge me.

But my parents didn't care at all. They seemed more worried about something rather than what I told them.

Looking down at my floor-less floor, I see a pair of great, white eyes staring at me. I stare back, a tight knot in my stomach.

"We have to give her. We can't do this-"

I remembered a vague memory from when I was little. I couldn't recall much, but I was really confused, up until now.

"It's because you're such a descendant, aren't you, Jean?"

"We're the last ones living. If we don't give her out, we're going to die out."

What are they talking about?

Those big eyes seemed not to only stare through my soul-it can bring back memories. But as I stared longer, the flashbacks seem to fade. "What are you?" I whispered into the cold stillness.

"Eyes from the glowjar. We are always tasked to follow you and keep you alive."

Wow, okay then.

"What if somebody kills me or-"

"Our creator sees to it that the owner is alive until we fade out from life. Until then, my task is to watch out for you."

"Fred or Geroge?"

"They switch. You can't exactly tell who's Fred and who's George, but you would know. Ever since Fred died, though, George has been switching back and forth, sometimes he would lose consciousness. Then he returns, a newly written message on his arm, or his hand. But you can't exactly still tell, sometimes, he goes conscious for a while, stares, and goes down again. Then the real George would come back."

(Creds to whoever posted this inspiration on Tumblr ily)

I want to go back there.


"I'm sorry, I-"


"I want to see her ride the-"

"Jean..." My dad was shaking. "Jean, you'll see her. She'll just be under another-"

"Hermione. Hermione."

"Yes, yes, we'll see to Hermione, Jean-"

It went off to a swirling fog and faded off.



I sat still, a gust of wind slightly moving the curtains.


"Heyyy...." A blurred thing moved in front of my face. I really need to sleep.

"Earth to Draco..."

I was whipped out of my thoughts, looking at a redheaded figure.

"Oh...sorry-" I widened my eyes. "Ginny! What are you doing here?"

"A few days to the match. I thought I'd give you some tickets."

I stared down at them.

"Top Box, first row, level A? How lucky can I be to have been your enemy?" I chuckled slightly.

"Malfoy." She groaned, but smiled the very famous Weasley smile - crooked and sincere. "How lucky am I to give you a second Bat-Bogey hex?"

"Probably not very lucky."

She stayed for a little while, said she'd have to do some team practices, and Apparated off.

Meanwhile, I thought off.

I'm so sorry, George.

Traitor (Dramione) - HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now