The Elemental - The Witcher - Geralt x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Can't do that I'm afraid. The lord took it on himself ta send a pack of his dogs out ta follow (Y/n) as she rode one day; they chased er down. Er horse bolted, and she fell, poor lass broke er neck." The barmaid explained, pretending to wipe away a tear.

"So, ya see Witcher, ain't no business round ere fa ya." The landlord told Geralt, his eyes watching as the dark figure quietly left the tavern.

Before Jaskier could finish his drink, Geralt grabbed the bard by the collar and dragged him from the tavern, following the figure out into the cool night.

"Hey! Stop!" Geralt called out, as he tried to catch up with the quickly moving figure.

"Stop (Y/n)!" Geralt called out again, watching as the figure stopped and turned around to face him and Jaskier. Geralt drawing his silver sword from its sheath. The figure pulling out a long staff from under their cloak.

"I would put that sword of yours away if I were you Witcher; because if you don't, I promise you that you'll regret it." A beautiful voice called out, the sound seeming to drift perfectly through the ether.

"What are you?" Geralt demanded to know, as he stepped closer, raising his sword ready to strike.

Suddenly Geralt stopped dead in his tracks, as the figure finally revealed what hid beneath the hood. As the material was removed, locks of hair, as white as Geralt's fell down her back. A pair of brilliant blue eyes glowing in the dark evening light. To say the woman was beautiful, would have been doing her a terrible disservice, and in all his travels, Geralt knew that he had never seen anything so breathtakingly perfect.

"I am like nothing you have ever seen before. Geralt of Rivia"

As she spoke, she brought down her staff, and as it hit the ground, the earth underneath the two men, cracked and began to shake. She raised her hand, and the small torches that were dotted around the village began to throw off blazing balls of fire towards Geralt and Jaskier. With a soft word, the winds gusted strong enough to nearly knock the large Witcher from his feet, and torrential rain began to fall from the sky.

"She can't be." Geralt muttered to himself, as he and Jaskier tried to fight against the elements that the young woman had bought down on them. The rain only easing a little as she disappeared into the woods that surrounded the village.

"WHAT DID YA DO WITCHER?" The landlord called out, as he and the other men rushed out of the tavern, covering themselves against the wind and rain.

"GET OUT OF ERE, BUTCHER!" A man shouted, as the locals began to throw rocks and stones, chasing the Butcher and the bard out of the village.


"Well, are you going to tell me what all that was about?" Jaskier asked, as he and Geralt finally settled down around the campfire.

"I can't believe it myself, but there is only one explanation for what she is, and that is an elemental. But I've never seen or heard of one like her before." Geralt explained, grabbing a burning brand and stoking the fire.

"Elemental? What's an elemental?" Jaskier asked, as he strummed softly on his lute, trying to think of the right words to describe the woman that they had just met. The best words to rhyme with elemental.

"Elementals are mythical beings that control the four Empedoclean elements of earth, air, fire, and water. Usually each element is ruled over by its own creature: Gnomes control the earth; Undines, water: Slyphs the air; and salamanders, fire. But this (Y/n) seemed to be able to control all four with only a mere movement of her hand. Whatever her story, she is an exceptionally powerful being." Geralt told Jaskier, as he lay back on his bed roll.

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