Chapter 37

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"I always hope that you remember
What we have is strong and tender
In the middle of the madness
Hold on

So it truly is a good thing
And I always wanted you to know
There is always this and this is everlasting
Hold on..."

Sade – "Nothing Can Come Between Us"

A queer feeling of unease settled in Disa's stomach. At first, she thought the last cocktail she drank had too much vodka in it and the churning acid was a reaction to it. However, when Erik failed to show up with Marisol, she braved the tightly packed club again to search for them.

Moving along the perimeter, she made a path to the back where she last saw Erik headed. There were still people meandering near the restrooms, and she decided to poke her head out of the exit. There wasn't an alarm to stop her, so she pressed down on the long silver bar handle and pushed the door open.

Shock spread across her face. It spread even further when she felt what she thought was a hard punch to her gut. All the air blew out of her mouth with a loud grunt, and when she looked down, she saw a black handle sticking out of her body and warm blood spreading across her dress.

Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 3 (A Black Panther Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now