Chapter 3

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"Get to flippin like a trap phone
But I never lose connection
If you feeling that I'm on your line
Hit me with the right click
And I put that on everything
You ain't met a nigga like this..."

Duckwrth – "Quick"

Fucking Tony Stark.

Erik thought that once he left California, he could put distance between himself and the narcissistic billionaire. He learned as much as could from Tony, especially using the Stark labs to study the vibranium his father left behind. Tony's world was seductive. Billionaire freedom was a type of hyper surrealistic living that warped a person's humanity. It was easy to dehumanize others. It was easy to manipulate under the guise of charm, good looks, and fake caring. It was easy to spend money on things that pissed away resources to build weaponry over life-saving tech that could save billions of lives. Instead, it was used by Tony to amuse a stagnant, decrepit, reptilian uber-rich one percent and their government flunkies globally.

Erik had no respect for Tony. Never did. He saw what the man could do without a care in the world. Despite a shared life story over the loss of parents, and a shared life story of being genius children orphaned and forging paths in the world alone, Tony was pampered obsolescence. The world didn't need any useless rich people who pretended self-importance and hoarded the ability to live well from other people. The man, and people like him, would be the first to go once Erik ascended the throne of Wakanda. As his mother Califia taught him from birth, all power to the people. The new world order would prevent billionaires and even millionaires from existing. The new world order under his reign--

Erik saw that Tony focused his attention on Diša, and she was very cool with the man. Erik liked that. Most women would act impressed with Tony's seductive act of asking about them until they figured out if he wanted information from them or just a dip in the sack... or both. He seemed enamored with her hijab and form-hugging tracksuit.

Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 3 (A Black Panther Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now