Chapter 17

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"I was trying to call you my baby,
And tell the whole world you're my lady
But you kept telling me, "No"
Now you got a jones in your bones"

Devin Morrison – "No"

Two months.

Two months of Erik keeping to himself and going about his day as if their onetime hook-up had never happened.

Disa knew it embarrassed him about prematurely ejaculating after all that bravado and intense build-up with his mouth game on her pussy, and all that posturing in the past. She felt bad about the way their union had fizzled after three good thrusts. Truth be told, she was still thinking about the way he ate her pussy. His tongue was now her new best friend. Days later, she had wanted to try again with him, but he closed himself off.

Erik drove himself to school and stayed out late, often returning to her place just to sleep. In the morning she ate breakfast alone and caught her carpool rides and Lyfts to her own classes. Her doctorate dissertation was about to be defended by her keen intellect, and she had a graduation party to prepare for.

Dr. Disa Abdullah-Woods.

She rolled the words on her tongue. Dr. Abdullah? Dr. Abdullah-Woods? Dr. Disa?

Offers were coming in for jobs outside of academia. The salaries would just about cover her living expenses once her scholarship money ran out from M.I.T. She started squawking to higher-ups in her department about interviewing for a tenure-track position. One of her mentors had favorable things to say about her chances for the following fall semester. She already started sinking her head in books by bell hooks, Paulo Freire, Joy DeGruy, Alondra Nelson, Imani Perry, Ayana Jamieson and so many others that impacted her thinking over the years. Teaching needed to be approached with intention. What type of pedagogy would she bring to shape minds at M.I.T.? Her brain floated with ideas about architecture and Afrofuturism. Teaching hadn't been her calling, only practical applications of architecture was her dream, but Hollis was engaged now and she had to go to where the good money resided. For now, it was the academic track. Luckily, she had booked three paid speaking engagements for the following spring at two HBCUs and USC to supplement the coming financial crunch. She'd be able to see her father before he had his surgery in Los Angeles. She looked forward to going home and eating her mother's cooking and playing drums in person with her daddy and brothers.

Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 3 (A Black Panther Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now