Chapter 10

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"When in the midst of sorrow
You can' t see up when looking down
A brighter day tomorrow will bring, oh

You hear the voice of reason
Telling you this can't never be done
No matter how hard reality seems
Just hold on to your dreams, yeah..."

Sounds of Blackness – "Optimistic"

He wore the necklace around his neck.

His father's ring rested on his skin as he dressed for his birthday.


Erik had lived ten years without his parents. A beloved orphan with extended family from around the world.

"JaJa, you ready in there?"

Grandpop's voice broke him away from staring at himself in the hotel bathroom mirror.

"I'm coming," he said.

"I have a surprise for you."

"Here I come."

Erik splashed a bit of cologne on his neck and ran his fingers over his eyebrows. He decided to wear the suit he bought with his last Stark Enterprises paycheck. Single-breasted, eggplant-colored, and expensive as fuck. He looked like royalty in the flesh. Purple amethyst studded earrings made his gold slugs pop in his mouth.

He stepped out of the bathroom and his grandfather whistled when he saw him.

"Ooh wheeee! Lookie here, lookie here!"

Erik grinned, and his grandfather beamed. The old man was grayer and heavier. He looked good. At peace.

"What's the surprise?" Erik asked.

"Aye, bruh... what's poppin?!"

His childhood buddy Walter jumped out from behind the open closet door.

Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 3 (A Black Panther Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now