Chapter Eleven: Understanding

Start from the beginning

"You're not the problem. She can see that you're a good man. Deep down she probably trusts you. But she does not trust what you two have. She can't accept her place beside you and she fears you'll leave."

"I told her to decide what happens to us. If she chooses to end our relationship-"

"Then don't let her. Someone like her may want to push you away. That will be your chance to prove how you feel for her by refusing to leave the relationship without good reason."

"I'm so glad I came here." I sighed softly. "I was ready to call it quits. I never looked at it that way."

"Fear is dangerous. You have to make Vittoria feel really safe and comfortable. She needs constant reassurance that you are hers and you are not going to leave her."

"Relationships are hard man. Sometimes I just want to be single and free to do whatever I want."

"I don't think that is what you primarily want Marcelle. It will be fun for a week or two and then you're going to get over it and you'll miss the permanent company of one constant woman. I can't see an existence without Ella. I just can't."

"What keeps your marriage together?"

He laughed. "Five kids, a lot of love and respect. We both play our roles and everything else falls into place."

"I really thought I had a good thing with Rei. I don't understand what I did wrong. Come to think of it, all my relationships don't hold. What am I doing wrong?"

"Because you haven't found the right one. What do you really want?"

"To settle down. To feel complete."

"Then don't allow her to break up with you. You have to put in the work. Remember how long I chased Ella? It was worth it.

After talking to Ethan, I feel I have calmed down. I left the penthouse purely agitated by her. But now I understand something about her I have never really paid attention to. I'm curious to know where she came from. I want to know who left her in the orphanage and why did they do it?

I would rather starve with my child in my arms than give him or her up. Abandonment is not okay.


She's looking at a bag on the floor. It's not just any bag. It's the brown bag she moves around with. I clenched my jaw willing myself not to get upset. She packed up. She is leaving me.

She turned her head to look at me and gracefully stood up. "I have only taken what I came with. All the clothes, bags, shoes and jewelry you gave to me are here. I won't take those."

I walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind me. With palm still pressed to it I sighed deeply. I took a second to compose my thoughts.

"Why are you leaving me Vittoria?" She avoided my eyes and turned away from me. "Please look at me when I'm talking to you."

It took her a moment to face me. "I'm leaving because it's not working Signor."

And we are back to Signor. I hate this.

"What isn't working?" I folded my arms across my chest. "Tell me bambina, what isn't working?"

"Us. We are wrong for each other."

I wouldn't use the word wrong. I would say we haven't clicked like we should.

"What are you looking for in a relationship? What makes me the wrong partner?"

"You're never here."

"That's one. Keep going."

"You... you want something I can't give you."

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