I'll say a little prayer for you.

ابدأ من البداية

          "Or maybe your too realistic to realize that each person has their own point of view" (Y/n) looked up at Aizawa. 

         "What?" Her brows furrowed, confused. Aizawa chuckled, a little amused by the whole exchange. This girl...he couldn't believe his luck. He didn't even notice where they were headed, but once he opened his mouth he found himself saying something he wouldn't normally say to anyone, let alone (Y/n). A moral advice. 

     "Maybe your too realistic....for what matters". (y/n) stopped walking, surprised, before letting go of the suitcase that she had been holding and walking around Aizawa to face him directly, almost making him stumble backwards, before looking at him with an expression he couldn't read, as if the world went quiet for her...and for a moment maybe it did.

    "Thanks for ripping my traumas open, Aizawa" (Y/n) slightly laughed "Bold of you to assume I haven't ovethought all of my flaws and faults. That was quite random of you." And she smiled at him, why- why was he feeling bad now? She started to walk towards the academy, and without thinking Aizawa almost grabbed her shoulder, the sudden gush of air made her dodge, forcing her to face him once again. 

     Afterall, her body ready to work as a circuit, a little electric potential difference would fry anything it touched.

     "I feel like I said something-"

       "I know," (Y/n) said with the same gentle smile as always, cutting Aizawa off mid sentence. "And I guess you're right. I'm kind of being too realistic, but it's the only way I think I can see things without crying ." 

     She looked into Aizawa's deep gray eyes, and Aizawa felt his heartbeat increase tenfold. "But it also means that I can have fun, and laugh, and learn to move on easily" She said softly, almost breaking the eye contact they had established, which seemed to be a permanent feature between the two "it also means that I don't hate myself anymore."

       Aizawa stared at her, speechless, as (y/n) slowly walked away from Aizawa and toward the main entrance. But just before going away she turned around once more to look at him and smiled before entering the building with a wave. "See you soon!" 

     Aizawa stood there for a while staring at (y/n)'s retreating form, and he thought that maybe he was a bit too pessimistic


     "So," (Y/n) looked at the todoroki "you got daddy issues, right? we have lots in common! We're basically soulmates!" Todoroki frowned and looked at (y/n), trying to read if she was being serious or not. 

    "How does that make sense?" Shoto asked her. 

    "That's kinda of false if you analyse the veracity of Greek mythology" Sero scratched his cheeks approaching the girl.

     "Oh yeah?" A big smile suddenly appeared as she looked in Sero's eyes.

     "Yeah, didn't Zeus separate soulmates? Basically soulmates are of the same species..." Sero's blush got bigger as he tried to explain history he learned in Wiki to someone who heard the actually person do it.

      "That is what they say" She giggled, slightly smiling at the boy

      "Is it true?" Sero approached her.

      "aaa maybe? I don't really like to believe anything that Zeus says, 'cause you know how men are. Always making the story bigger, scarier to make them seem like some kind of god."

     "You also don't know?" Sero met (Y/n)'s eyes.

    "I wasn't there when it happened" (Y/n) scratched the back of her neck "I'm not really that old you know? I'm just a teenager" 

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