Most people are chatting, but then-


In the corner, Yuri is studying something... biology, it seems?

Maybe I can ask her to test me... since Aoi and the others won't listen to me...

I nervously walk up to her.

She seems to be repeating the phrases to herself over and over again, her brows cutely furrowed together.

God, she looks adorable....


I open my mouth to ask her, but close it again, due to nerves.

I don't ever get nervous, what's wrong with me?

I open my mouth again.


I am cut off by the sound of the bell.

Dammit. I'll ask someone else...

I head into the building.

First class is drama...

I enter the class, and the sensei starts speaking.

"Okay class! Today we're going to be studying the play, Romeo and Juliet! I'm sure all of you have heard of it, and I will sort you into groups where you will re-enact the scenes!"

She starts handing out copies of the script to us and starts sorting us into groups.

I got put into a group with a guy named MC, my friends Emiko and Sora, a guy named Haru and Yoshi.

I head over to the group. Our scene is the most tragic; the suicide scene.

I immediately take control.

"Okay everyone- who wants to take which role for this?"

MC tilts his head.

"Uhh... I'll be Balthasar I guess..."

He sheepishly scratches his head.

"Great! I'll be lady Montague!"

Yoshi steps up.

"Welp, imma take the role of Romeo,"

Both Sora and Emiko squeal at that.

"I'll be Juliet!"

Sora manages to get out. Emiko shoots her a sideways glare.

Haru mumbles

"I'll be Paris..."

Emiko scowls.

"Then that means... I'll be Friar Lawrence..."

I immediately start organising everything, but Yoshi and Haru keep slacking off and talking.

"You two! Will you please pay attention!"

Sora grabs my sleeve.

"Monika! Don't talk to Yoshi like that! Then he might not like us!"

I sigh, and shake her off, instead deciding to listen in to their 'interesting' conversation.

"....I mean, have you seen her figure?"

Haru chuckles.

"Ya. She's hot as hell,"

Yoshi looks at him with a gleam in his eyes.

"Too bad her nose is always in those books of hers...."

Haru chuckles.

"I agree... I bet you she-"

Lavender and Lilac ( Yurika )Where stories live. Discover now