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You'd been staring at Damon for a little too long now, you could tell he had been acting nice and friendly to the guests, though he is hurting inside. You didn't like to see your old friend try and fix his crumbling heart in front of the people he calls 'friends'. It wasn't nice to see.

Damon organised this party, and the thing is, he didn't even say goodbye to the guests. You had to, but you didn't leave his house then, you stayed. You made a tea, exactly how he had it, and sat down with him to talk to get it all out.

"Where's Jus?" you asked, you know partially about the 'breakup' situation, and you were obviously expecting to back Damon up on it.

"Out, I think." he said,mumbling under his arm, he was sitting with his knees up and his arms under his chin. He looked solemn, he looked like he had lost weight, he appears pale. You felt unwell with the state he was suffering in and it made you feel a bit teary. It was too early to get emotional just yet, you said to yourself.

That uncertainty wherever she is made you feel a little pit of worry in your empty stomach. You hadn't been able to eat, because Damon hasn't offered anything, he hadn't ate either, just told people to forage through his cupboards. Everyone had been passing crisps and wine around, so they had been full on that, but you didn't have anything.

Damon had crumbled talking to you. He had explained the ins and outs of the arguments and it felt too personal. But you were needed and you had to be there for Damon. After all, you had done for these past ten years, so why would you turn your back on him when he needed you most—and most urgently!

"No.. not been getting on.. at all.. We don't even... sleep in the same bed. I mean, sort of, I'm to blame, but.... Fucking hell... It's nothing." he trailed off, looking at the ground for some stability in his voice; it sounded hoarse and tired, "I don't know,... it doesn't matter.."

"Go on Damon. Talk to me how you always do. It's fine, everything is okay. After all these years, I should be the one you can talk to." your voice croaked, and it usually did when you had the truth to speak, and you started to feel a little emotional, but Damon saw this and looked up from his sulk, his eyes look comforting. He got up and sat next to you on the sofa, wrapping next to you within a distance not considered 'romantic.'

You chose to hold him closer than you ever have before and wrap my arms around him. You grasp his body with so much comfort he could be considered a charity. Everyone feels the need to give to him, it will make him better.

"Listen. Sweetheart, we'll get through this. You will, it will all be resolved. I know it's hard, but for a minute, let's turn forever, you and me." you suggested, thinking of the idea that we can turn our backs to the world for a minute. No Justine for a minute, no crying for just sixty seconds and no heartbreak for the duration. You and me, Dames, you thought, and smiled.

"Can I say something?" Damon croaked out, but his voice went a little faltered toward the end. You could feel the vibration of his voice in your back, it made you smile away your tears.

"You can tell me absolutely anything. You know where I keep it, Damon." you replied softly , and you could feel your heart grow as you said the words. You wanted to be there for him all the time, grow old with him and reminisce on the youth you shared.

"Nah, don't worry. It doesn't matter, you won't say the same..."

He knew that your silence was comfortable, and he opened up like a pear shell, exposing the pearl of his truth.

"I've always loved you. Not like that, but you've always been in a special place.... in my heart." Damon said with a soft sigh, his breath was shallow, he sounded fed up. But what he said sounded heart-felt and pure. It made you cry a little bit again, and you started to giggle them away.

"Me too, Damey. Me too.." you realised that he was holding you tighter and gripping you so you wouldn't let go. He seemed so fragile under that big ego, and you noticed that he was proof that confidence does fall.

The door opens, bashing against the wall. The key fumbles through the keyhole and your eyes widen to the sight of Justine.

"Who.... the fuck.. is she doin here?"

She was home: high and drunk, you immediately faltered. You could feel your heart beating and cracking at the same time, but you couldn't escape the hug, Damon was hugging on too tight.

You were in the middle, you'd only heard one side of the story. What were you doing? You weren't a relationship coach! Get out the house before Justine throws you, and everything else..

*i love Jus, i just wanted to try something different x
* do you like the sort of? heheh always saying "sort of" isn't he?
* Feel good Inc ref? ;)

*i love Jus, i just wanted to try something different x* do you like the sort of? heheh always saying "sort of" isn't he?* Feel good Inc ref? ;)

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they were very adorable in their prime❤️❤️

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they were very adorable in their prime❤️❤️

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