you need a holiday

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I had already been awake for around an hour before I decided to wake Damon up. Doing my makeup... etc.

"Hmmmp" he stirred as I nudged him, I was sitting fully dressed in our messy bed. He liked to take all of the covers..

"Wake up, sleepy boy!" I whispered quietly to him. I started to brush his fringe out from his eyes.

Damon opened his eyes slowly and looked at me with sleepiness. Aww tired baby.

"It's nearly 5 love," I said quietly as he was trying to blink his eyes awake. He frowned as he turned the opposite direction of me.

"Why do we have to....get up so early for airport runs?" Damon mumbled and he groaned, making the bed even more comfortable by cuddling the covers up to his chest.

So we don't risk the chance of being late! Like last time....

I giggled, "you've got 10 more minutes or I'll come back in here and make you get out!"

"You wouldn't dare!" Damon smiled and he moved back slowly facing me, then he opened his eyes again, no matter how hard they wanted to stay shut.

I raised my eyebrows and let him take my offer. Stay in bed or... get thrown out.

"Okkkkkk!" he picked his option and smiled sweetly, his eyes all puffy from sleep and his hair ruffled and greasy. I get up from the bed and make my way downstairs for a quick breakfast for us both.


"Where are we goin' again?" Damon said loudly as he brushed his teeth in the bathroom at the same time as sorting out his suitcase.

"Spain, love!" I said as I put this really nice bikini into my suitcase which I knew he would like, he hadn't not seen me in it before..

"The home of cheap flip flops, sweaty barmen and home of British people looking for sun, sea, sex, sand and booze!" Damon laughed with toothpaste out his mouth as he comes out of the bathroom holding some trunks.

He had no top on, just wearing his baggy jeans. I loved his jeans, they were old and had a twenty-year- old vintage feel to them. He got them from the Portobello Market a few years ago, before we were dating.  I did have a pair that I stole from him and they just about fit me and I wear them baggy. I wanted to look like Kate Moss... but Damon told me I didn't need to look like her, I was "beautiful the way I am"

"Plain red ones that are too big for me or green ones that...erm are too small?" Damon gave me too options holding them up, there was a vast difference in size between.

"Did you last wear them when you were like 16, they're tiny! And the other ones are at least a large!" I suggested, he was easy to poke fun at him. He didn't get offended, just carried on with my joke or wrestled me to say sorry.

"Long story short, I must have picked up the wrong sizes at the shops, clearly!" Damon let out a laugh whilst he held them up still. I had a choice, but I decided to go with the ones I thought'll make him look appealing..

Wear the green ones...

We were driven us to Gatwick airport by the taxi, and we brought our suitcases after waving goodbye to the house. I brought loads of cds to keep us company. Our holiday was two weeks. Two weeks away from the public, London, the band, the fans (unfortunately for Damon) and our cats. Damon has Alex and Dave look after them each.


I stepped outside in the hot sun with my shorts on top of my bikini shorts. I had a loose blouse over the top of my bikini top, too. I was disappointed because Damon tossed the green shorts idea. He was, in fact, wearing some trunks that he found lurking in his chest of drawers - these ones actually did fit him. They were just black and white ones, he looked good in them!

"It's too bloody hot!" Damon said, squinting from the sun even though his sunglasses tried their hardest to be pretty. Obviously, they did a cracking job making him even more gorgeous, but trying to protect his eyesight from the sun was not a priority. They were mine, I thought they'd be better in his hands. They looked very beautiful on him. The sunglasses were thin, landscape black ones that were only meant to be for fashion reasons but he looked so pretty in them. He stood awkwardly, trying to keep his cool as he held his inflatable ring by his side, he didn't like the heat when it was uncontrollable, just like the sun in Spain. No stupidly-working Spanish fan will cool you down forever. Luckily in England, we have heatwaves!!!

"That's what were here for, loser!" I giggled as I ran over to an empty pair of sun beds. Lucky! He ran after me slowly, his flip flops flapped against the hot tiles near the pool, that made me laugh like a pig..

We got to the sun beds - finally - and I set my striped red bag beside my bed. He put his inflatable between the gap of our sun bed. I really had appreciated and started to like the hotel, it was pretty! The pool was blue and lush too.

"It's a bit too hot actually!" Damon laughed picking up a sweat and pushing his sunglasses up. He started taking his T-shirt off. He had given one to me, one of many tops I took from him. I loved his t shirts and shirts, they looked baggy on me but that was nice. I didn't want to settle down, so I decided to enjoy in a read of a women's magazine I picked up from home, I did love my magazines. I didn't have a lot but I loved music ones. Unfortunately they were all at home.

He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, throwing it in my bag, it didn't make it as it fell out from the slight breeze. I think to do the same, I got up from my hot seat - haha, not literally - and I begin to unbutton my shorts. I'm keeping on my eye on eveyrthing but Damon trying to seem as natural as possible.

He looked down his sunglasses slightly and I closed my eyes, pretending to be doing nothing but trying to catch some sun. I unzipped my shorts and I pulled them down my legs, they pool by my feet and I open my eyes again to start unbuttoning my top. I'm wearing a red bikini with stringed bottoms, I liked it, it was nice. I liked the colour red, it was my favourite colour! Damon was still looking at me from the top of my sunglasses, haha.

I get to the last button and scrunch the shirt up, putting it in my bag. I tried to remain unbothered and start laying down on the opposite end of the sun bed. I rested my head on my arms and look around to the pool, it was such a lovely day out.

I looked behind me, smiling and blushing, his jaw was dropped. My neck hurt from twisting it, but it was worth it.

"You're catching flies..." I said nonchalantly, his awe turned to a laugh, I kicked my feet up and down behind me.

I left him utterly speechless and so I continue to sunbathe in the Spanish sun, it was so beautiful out here!

"I'm happy I didn't wear the green trunks...."

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