a date with graham

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I was meeting a boy, Graham, who was in my college, and he asked me to go out the other day, but I said no at first

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I was meeting a boy, Graham, who was in my college, and he asked me to go out the other day, but I said no at first. I obviously had agreed to him later when he asked, and that was why I was standing there in the cold.

He came to me Friday - yesterday - and I said yes, but he was confused at first why I changed my mind. I was scared of commitment, I used to get nervous about the fear that I'd get left or abandoned, so making a decision quickly would've left me with deep-rooted regret.

I was waiting outside the warm pub in the cold. I wished Graham was here. The cold pinched my nose, my bare fingertips that were shrouded my pockets. It was so, so cold. Where was he?

I saw a warm figure coming up from the street I was on, the left side, and the street lamp lighted his face up. Graham!

"Hiya.." he spoke quietly, as he leant in for a hug shyly, I hugged him anyway, just to save the embarrassment for both of us. I was so shy! Being shy too, we were sure to get along.

We hugged for a few seconds and he put his hands in his pockets, I did again, too.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting," he saw my chittering teeth, "You're freezing, let's get you in."

We walked into the pub and it was beautifully warm like someone had a lovely fire going. It was so warm that I felt a little sleepy.

"I already have it paid for.. and everything" his voice was so delicate and smooth; I was so soothed by it. He smiled as I walked closely beside him, he was completely warm now. I felt heated with love, Graham's love.. already.

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