picnic panics

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I had decided to organise a picnic with Damon, Graham, Alex and Dave. Alex was in charge of the food, obviously, the cheese man, himself!

We were on Primrose Hill - of all hills to have a picnic on! It was a Saturday afternoon, about 6, and we were all free, so a picnic was arranged by Graham. He started to open a champagne bottle. It was okay, it was noon and gone sunset.. We weren't getting drunk at ten in the morning at least, not anymore.

"Do you like the cheese, guys?" Alex muttered as he had a mouthful of it. It was so gross, I am not a cheese girl, but I obviously wouldn't admit to it. Just kept taking tiny bites of it and hiding the rest of it behind my back. Damon noticed this once and grabbed it when Alex wasn't looking. He was a good boy, Damon. Alex held the glass with Graham pouring the glamorous liquid. It was screaming it's price as it overflowed into Alex's glass, you could tell he didn't mind it being over the top. He was going to get pissed tonight! No care in the world!.

"Alright mate! When are you saying stop?!" Graham laughed as the champagne was getting higher and higher to the brim. Graham told Alex to stop and it was more than he should have. He went to Dave and gave him the right amount, having learnt his lesson.

I held mine out and Damon held his out too with me, Graham filled them to the right amount and he placed the bottle on the side on a cheese board. Saving some for later, but of course, it was in reach for Alex..

"Cheers!" we all laughed and clunked our champagne glasses together, Alex's wine spilt over our glasses as he took a large sip. He was like an old man, expensive champagne and cheese. He laughed like an old man too, having a chuckle like a cheeky British bloke.

Alex took one of the books from the stack on the grass and flicked to the first page, he put one of his legs up resting under his arm with the book, still holding his glass that was definitely going to make him the drunkest.. No doubt about it.

We took our time and take small sips from the cups. I put my glass slowly down on the cheese board and so did Damon. He laid down and put one of his arms behind his head acting like a pillow. I dropped myself too making some of the champagne wobble. Graham's eyes looked fearful as he watched them, but then turned to Dave whom talked to Graham about the different type of people round the hill.

I fell beside Damon and he wrapped his arms beside me, watching the beautiful upcoming sunset. I looked up at some of the lonely clouds and rested my head to his shoulder, he rubbed my waist comfortingly. Oh, a day like this, just once more..

I looked to my left, he was still looking at the sky, so mesmerised. I got up and laid against my elbows, staring at him in awe. His arm still stays beside me. He is cloud-busting, and I always used to love doing this in our early days of being in love.

"You know, Damon, you have the most perfect nose.." I said with my jaw dropped slightly, he was the most perfect person I've ever met. So unfazed to what I just said, I kissed the side of his cheek gently.

Damon looked to me slightly shocked and smiled like the world was his. You could tell he had a lot to say, but he wanted me to finish.

"And the most bluest, prettiest eyes, I'm a very, very, very lucky lady" I blushed while his eyes reflect some clouds in the blue parts. His smile widened and he showed his teeth, his lovely teeth.

"I'm the lucky one" he said still looking at me with lust. It was just then that Graham and Dave stopped talking about the two pregnant women over the hill and how sympathetic they felt for them, and Alex had stopped reading his translated French book.
Damon picked himself up and rested his body weight on his elbows, just like I was doing. How in sync!

I smiled and laughed as he pulled himself over the top of me. I could feel the judging eyes of the rest of the boys, but I didn't care at all in that moment!  They often made fun of me for doing things with Damon and I sometimes took offence to it. I held his back tightly and we let ourselves go down the hill. We knew it was both coming! I closed my eyes and rested my head in his chest, the most safest place in the world.

"The champagne!" I heard Graham's raspy voice holler at us but we were too far down the hill to save it. The champagne bottle came diving down behind us and Damon's ox-blood boot got caught around the edge of it. 

He let out a tummy laugh and that made me so, so happy. I laughed too, we were so happy. Happier than we ever had been. Well, we had the champagne bottle behind us to worry about...

We weren't stopping any time soon and so I just enjoyed this moment.

"I love you!" Damon spoke as his voice broke a bit, the hill affected it, but it was still the most sweetest thing in the world.

"I love you too, Damon!" I laughed and hugged him even tighter. For I had the most loveliest boyfriend ever, I couldn't ask for anyone better.

I smiled as he looked so excited. I panted; what an effort! He moved the few stands of hair in my face and rested his hand on my cheek. I leant in and kissed him, holding him tight still. My lips lingered for his cigarette breath but he pulled away in a gasp.

"Right, how are we gonna get back up here!" he laughed into the kiss and got up, his jeans full of grass stains and leaves. He reached his hand out for me, I held onto it as we looked up to the hill. We couldn't even see the rest, we were so low down. I held him tight again and realise much effort it's going to take.

The champagne bottle crashed down and landed behind us. Damon picked it up, not expecting there to be some left in there. He laughed and handed me the bottle, only a dribble left. Maybe several more sips, but I sipped it anyway.

Damon unexpectedly picked me up bridal style and I gasped, he walks up effortlessly. Sadly, he had to stop half way, he was worn out, so I had to walk...

Holding on for tomorrow...


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