shopping with alex

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graham's pov-

Alex and I scanned the shelves in the cd area. Well, I did. All he could think about is why aren't there any cheese here?

"Going 'cheese bit, I'll be back" he spoke clearly, walking in front of me as he explored the way to the back of Tesco.

"Alright.." I stood awkwardly with one of my Converses on my other foot, staring at the cd rack. I was looking at all of the covers of the people I've heard of. I was quite embarrassed to be here, but then finding the one I needed..

I finally found the Iggy Pop cd I wanted to buy again as Damon borrowed it, but I never got it back.. I still held that grudge, but it soon left me and I felt a bit bad for him. I hoped his cold was not too bad..

I picked the CD up and walked slowly trying to find Alex. I was looking down the isles, behind clothing racks, hoping to find the lanky prick. Holding the CD with my left hand, I caught the smell of flowers, I stopped and turned my head right looking at the beautiful bunches of blooms.

It was as if they were talking to me, buy me!

I made eye contact with an old lady who was buying them too, probably for her husband. I smiled softly to her and picked up some roses. That was quite awkward but I did it for Damon. I was getting them for him, he had caught a cold, I hoped this would cheer him up.

Back to finding Alex.. I made my way to the cheese isle and for the first time ever, he wasn't seen in there. Where's this cheese advocate gone then?

I pushed the bridge of my glasses up and walked down the isle. I never understood why Alex loved cheese so much, it wasn't even that nice.

All of us agreed that cheese was definitely not the place we'd go to if we were going to die tomorrow like him. Nothing else mattered but his animals and his mouldy cheese.

I got down the end of the isle, and looked down it again. "Alex, where are you!" I whispered to myself, starting going to the cd area again. A few customers looked at me, I was so nervous, I had looked like I pinched something.

Finally I had got there and he was standing holding four cds and a block of blue cheese. Not blue cheese, that's the worst!

"Graham, where the fuck have you been!" Alex laughed as he dropped his items into my arms. He should have stayed where his isle is, that would have saved me a mile walking to find him..

"Ey, ey. You'll ruin my flowers! You want a lot!" I laughed but that turned into a frown, they're Damon's roses.

Alex had chosen a few bands I hadn't heard of. Bet they were shit.

"Hold these and your cheese, don't want that!" I laughed as I carefully leant him to Alex, he hugged the cheese on his side and held the flowers to his chest.

When we were paying, we'll when I was paying, Alex had whined about why I hate cheese.

"You shouldn't have!" Alex smiled as he smelt the scent of roses. They're not yours, I thought.

We were on the tills, putting the items onto the conveyer belt. Alex put his items on there too.

"They're not for you, you twat!" I scoffed, pushing my glasses up. I walked down the bottom of till, "I'm not paying for those!"

"Forgot my wallet, sorry" he said smugly as the cashier looked at me expecting the money. I pulled out my wallet aswell as a sigh and handed her £25.

"Keep the change" I said as I held the cds and Alex held his cheese and the roses.

What a bellend...

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