Chapter Ten: Untold Secrets Part 1

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He held my face in both hands. "You're the most beautiful creature to walk this earth. Don't forget that. All these other women mean nothing to him."

I walked him to the door. We said goodbye and he left.

Signor Tancredi's POV
"Let me guess... you couldn't tell her?" She puffed out a mouthful of smoke. A wicked smile grew on her face.

Vittoria is nothing like Vienna. Perhaps she got her beauty but that is about it. I took a seat in her booth. She's all alone. "Are you looking for a billionaire to sink your nails in?"

She scoffed. "Oh please! I have more than enough-"

"Your husband left everything to your children. They have cut you off since you descended down this destructive path." I snatched the cigarettes from her hand. "Is this why you are befriending Vittoria? Do you want money? Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

She laughed harshly. "No no no. Dint play the role of daddy."

"But I am her father!"

"Sperm donor."

"And what does that make you?" I questioned her.

"Surrogate. I only brought her into this world. I take zero credit for who she is. For what it's worth, it is cute that you think you can play daddy."

"I never got a chance."

"It's not like I didn't want to tell you. You dumped me. Remember? Do you remember? In the back seat of a yellow beetle in Saint-Tropez?"

How can I forget? Tessa and I were in the middle of a divorce. The damn woman was taking half of my net worth. She was putting me through hell. This affair was a mistake, one that I have had to live with. I told Tessa about it and hoped she would leave but it somehow motivated her to stay. I'm not sure why.

"You have had twenty five years to tell me!"

"I tried!"

"Really? How exactly?"

"I came to Naples. I came to Naples with her. She was so little. I came to your home. Ask your bloody wife."

"Tessa knows about..."

"Yes she does. She told me that if I leave the baby there, she will drown her or suffocate her. She told me to leave and never to say anything. I wasn't going to take the risk. I took her to a convent and left her with Emilia."

And it was Emilia who told me that Vittoria is my daughter. She told me shortly after the Mafia picked her up for robbing Tessa. That is why I couldn't execute her. I have taken care of her since. I haven't had the strength to tell her. I was going to do that today but I couldn't go through with it. Something tells me she doesn't need me in her life. It's too late anyway. I'm twenty five years too late. I may not be able to be her father but I can be her friend.

"And then you moved on like it was nothing."

"I don't owe you an explanation." She gulped down a glass of alcohol. "I am going to be part of her life. You may or may not join me. It's up to you. Will there be perks because she's dating a billionaire? Probably. But I'm not after the money. I just want to make up for twenty five years of absence. Be a good spot and foot the bill. What is it you say Franco? Ciao?" She giggled as she walked away.

I dint want that woman around my daughter. She's toxic and she will change Vittoria and not for the better.

Marcelle's POV
Vittoria's insecurities are a big concern to me. I feel like we will constantly go round in circles where other women are concerned.

Never in my life have I ever been summoned by a woman I'm in a relationship with and showed up like I do for Vee. This is a big problem for me. I feel that even when I tell her that I love her, it won't be enough. She will still not trust me. Is it the age difference? No. She just doesn't believe I am capable of being a faithful mate.

It breaks my heart every time she questions me. I'm trying my best. It's not like I don't get urges she can't satisfy, I do. I play by her rules. I keep my hands as well behaved as I can manage. I fight off every dirty thought even when I tell myself it's a one night stand. I do that for her.

"Good evening Signor." The heads outside the penthouse greeted me.

"Evening. Is she home?"


I opened the door. I kicked off my shoes. I still don't have my phone. I was with Kathleen Tancredi early this morning. I ran into her when I was dropping off the kids at school. It's something I try to do when I'm at home. She was following me and when I tried to lose her, she crossed me. My bodyguards wanted to shoot her until I recognized her. She used to be obsessed with me when she was a teenager. It almost got me in trouble with Reina. She kissed me.

When I got out of my car to speak to her, she hugged me and I'm thinking that is when I lost the phone. Kathleen is very aggressive about what she wants. She won't let up.

"Vee." She looked up from the floor where she's stretching. She sat up immediately. " I'm here. Let's talk."

"I wasn't sure you would come." She stood up.

"You were upset. We can't have that, now can we?" I asked.

I'm upset too about the lack of trust between us but I'll try my very best not to go off on her. She's playing with her fingers. Vee is a nail bitter. When she's nervous she bites her nails or plays with her fingers. "Who is she?"

"I imagine you know her. Kathleen Tancredi."

"Oh... her... Why would she... never mind. I know why. She is a bad one. But how did she get your phone?"

"I ran into her this morning. She hugged me. It was sudden, I didn't expect it. That is when I lost my phone. I think so. I'm not cheating on you. I never will. Vittoria I feel like you not trusting me isn't working."

"What does that mean?"

",It means that if you cannot trust me, then we can't have a relationship. You have a lot to think about. Call me when you decide what you want next."

I walked away from her.

We can't keep going round in circles. It is either we progress or it ends.

I'll make peace with either.

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