VOLUME 6 Chapter 8

Comincia dall'inizio

They can't blame Zergel. The little pigman already has enough on his plate and as the situation becomes more tense, he is forced to make his own decisions for the sake of everyone. But the risk of it all is vying everything on the power of a singular Dragon God as he himself knows how dangerous these Veterans are. Some of them, having lived for thousands of years and have become Masters of their weapons. All the while, Bahamut is practicing how to tie bandages, though her lower torso is way too thin to be compared to Paul's more bulky build, she still tries her best in front of a mirror. Trying over and over again, perfecting it.

"You really don't have to, Bahamut."

"Shush, I'm near to perfecting this First Aid called bandaging."

"Like, I'm happy and all to know you're trying, but we're nearly there. Soon, Paramedics and Corpsmen will be looking after me. Chill."

"And what if we get sidetracked? Or lost? I must do this for your sake. For your health means the world to me."

"Awww, shucks." Paul couldn't help but blush like a buffon after hearing her say such a sentence with a straight face. "Ehhhh, even Bahamut can be like that huh." He just looks at her amazing figure, from top to bottom her body was that of a perfect hourglass figure. One could say that her body is that of a Goddess in the form of a mortal. Golden eyes with the pupils of a dragon, one stare enough to pierce through your soul and a menacing aura of a creature that has become beyond that of a normal Dragon.

Admiring the woman practicing, Paul couldn't help but gaze at her. To this day, he still couldn't believe the companion that he has been lunging around with for 4 years had this form. She feels his gaze and blushes unbeknownst to herself. Even though Paul was severely wounded, she cannot look away at his manly build. With the serious but stern and handsome face with wide shoulders, she didn't need to look anywhere as he himself was good enough both physically and mentally for her.

"Okay, you two. Enough flirting. Prepare, we're nearing the shortcut."

"Can you remind me again why this shortcut is so dangerous?"

"Easy, it passes through a manmade Canyon that's Three hundred besels long."

"Besels... so Three Hundred Meters. Why is it man made though? Did some ancient civilization build it or something?"

"Oh that. The first Saint of the Holy See and a Demon General fought around here and created that. A few tens of thousands or so years later, it's a perfect spot for ambushes but it created a shortcut through the mountains which is equally or even more dangerous as it has labyrinths and caves that houses Demon Beasts within it."

"And here is where Bahamut's power will come in?"

"Yes, you see, the Hybrids and the Werewolves are still under the power of the first Demon King. You'll see when we encounter them. They're super soldiers as you say, meant to live long and enduring lives in extremely harsh weather while having the ability to produce offspring from all of the races."

"And would those born be under the power of the Demon King?"

"Yes and sadly. Many of these children are usually born from captured women."

"Bahamut, what do you think?"

The woman stops practicing and turns around to face him. The sparkle of her beautiful golden eyes seem to be full of courage and hope. Like a creature who is all too familiar with such risky tasks.

"Master, what's the thing you always say before you fight enemies? The one about folding?"

"Oh, you mean I'm about to fold these mothefuckers like camping chairs?"

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