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September 4, 8 A.M

Jin didn't get up until the morning rays of sunshine fell on his closed eyes seeping through the window. Both of them reached their limit in exhaustion after yesterday's hustle and bustle.

So they just got on the plane and leaned back in their seats and were out cold in no time. Not only them, but all the passengers were also asleep.

Now the long night was over. Most of the time on the long journey- they were asleep so that they didn't have to talk or make friends with anyone else. 

Jin or Arya, none of them had any time to get used to the characters they were playing. Two fake identities were arranged very quickly to let them on board the plane at the last moment.
The rest of yesterday after fleeing the CIA's Los Angeles Bureau, time passed quite smoothly.

Arya's guess was correct - the CIA couldn't change its security protocol that fast. After sitting in a cybercafe, she quickly created a virus and planted it in the CIA mainframe. As a result, the CIA's database won't work when they'd try to find Dr. Donnen and that can give them a head start of at least twenty-four hours.
Hopefully, it won't be possible for the CIA to bring out any information on Dr. Donnen from any database they'd try to use unless they too have a source like Jong-il who has seen Dr. Donnen in person.

They lay low till night, They kept in touch with Jong-il through pay-phone. At last at eight o'clock at night, The branch head met them in the parking lot and provided them with fake identity cards, various documents, Brighton Technologie's appointments, as well as camouflage for Arya who is supposed to be a male worker as per her identification forms.

He handed over the equipment. They both disguised as Chinese workers
And appeared at Brighton's regional supply unit right on the clock with the papers. At the airstrip, there was a DC-3 cargo aircraft waiting for re-supplies.

Their paperwork and disguise were perfect, no one suspected that the real workers were paid and sent away earlier.

This was the first time they'd come to work for Brighton.
There was no pre-acquaintance of the original Chinese workers at Brighton Airstrip. 
Jin and Arya, along with other workers, worked as loading crews.
After loading, they boarded the plane.

After unloading all the supplied goods in the research area at the ice shelf,
The workers were supposed to return.

Jin felt the oppression of the sun in his eyelids, looking to the side he saw that Arya was still fast asleep. He went to the toilet without waking her up. When he returned, Arya was already awake.

She was rubbing her body here and there with the palm of her hand.

"It is very cold," she said as she saw Jin moving forward.

"Welcome to the Arctic Circle," Jin nodded and moved to the aisle. From the overhead bin, he dropped his bag and gave Arya an extra insulated jacket that he was wearing.
While boarding the plane, Brighton provided various gear for the cold.
In addition to jackets, there were wool caps, nylon pants, gloves, and moon boots.

"Get in the bathroom before others wake up," Jin said. "The cold isn't that intense now. But it will continue to get stronger. And it will be difficult to freshen up later."

Arya shook her head and got up, as soon as she left the seat by the window, Jin took position by the window and stared outside.

The plane was flying at an altitude of about thirty thousand feet, and the roar of the engine was almost deafening. At this height, a large part of the globe was supposed to be visible to the eyes. But it was not possible because of the level of clouds under the plane right now.
Whenever little gaps were found among clouds, looking through the sea of white cotton, Jin saw the blue water, the white iceberg peeking here and there.
The glittering peaks were like diamonds laid in a blue canopy.
Jin looked at his watch and quickly calculated in his mind- they have crossed the coast of Alaska at least two hours ago. That makes another hour's journey ahead.

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