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"If you wanted to come here, you could have done that alone! Why dragging me?" the boy was pissed.

Arya almost rolled her eyes and smacked the back of the head of the boy who is supposedly her foster brother, "I don't want to lose face, you idiot!"

"You can see a ballet show anytime you want! What is there to lose face?" the boy was frustrated, "I was supposed to go with my group to study together!"

"Study!" Arya scoffed and handed the tickets to the man standing at the entrance and whispered to her brother, "like I don't know what kind of study you guys do there! What do those scumbags teach you? How to woo Yoona the beautiful?"

Eyeing Arya sharply with a side glance he barked back, "at least I have someone I like, ok? Look at you, elder than me, but still single like a stray cat!"

"Excuse me!" Arya again smacked the back of the head of the boy, "do you know how many boys like me?"

"As if!" the boy rolled his eyes and observed her from top to bottom and realizing she dolled up a bit for the show, he scoffed, "changing appearance once and you are thinking yourself the Cleopatra now!" and stopped himself to say something more seeing the man checking their tickets clearing his throat a bit.

"I beg your pardon," the man's etiquette was immaculate, "there has been the last moment adjustment to the number of seats. I am sorry to inform you that these seats are not available anymore."

"Not available?" Arya frowned hard, "I booked the tickets days ago. What kind of adjustment is this?"

She was excited about the show. And she isn't ready to back off this early without a fight. And the victorious face of her pain-in-ass brother was intriguing her even more. She can't lose her face in front of him, "look, man..."

"Let me explain first," the man spoke with a smile, "the seat number has been adjusted, but we have no intention to send you away, madam. If you guys don't mind, we'd like to offer you two seats in the VIP box."

"VIP box? Sure." Arya nodded and eyed her brother, "we'd love that."

The opera house was dark and dimly lit. The only spotlight was following the ballerina in her light feet, covered in elegant white. The entrance of the prince was elegant and her heart beat with every slight deviation of the sound of the orchestra as the sound intensified.

The black swan came out, radiating cruelty, evilness, and elegance.
Ary was mesmerized. Her eyes were glued to the scene.
The orchestra went frantic.
The hauntingly beautiful movements of the dancers- the sound, the backdrop-

The white swan died.

The music dimmed down. The light went down and someone handed Arya a snowy white handkerchief. Just then Arya realized that she was a crying mess over a ballet performance.

"Thank you," Arya mumbled and took the handkerchief offered to her and looked to her side.
This VIP box had the best view of the stage from up here. She didn't notice before coming here that there were two more people in the box except her and her brother.

But seeing the side her sentence stopped in a midway and she instantly looked away.

Seeing the panic in her eyes, her brother frowned, "what? Did you see a ghost just now?"

"Shut up!" Arya gritted her teeth and whispered, "the boy beside my seat? He is my coursemate!"

Her brother took time to realize the gravity and when he did, an evil smile spread over his lips slowly.

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