Crow - Avengers - Pietro Maximoff

Start from the beginning

From the moment that he and his sister had joined the team, Pietro had found himself falling head over heels for the dark winged, ethereal being. But whereas Wanda and (Y/n) had seemed to hit it off straight away, things had been less than smooth between he and (Y/n). Everything he seemed to say and do, only making things between the pair worse than before. Until Pietro found that the only way he could get out any of the emotions that he had bottled up for (Y/n), was to tease her and be mean.

When (Y/n) had rescued Wanda, he had wanted to go to her and thank her. To tell the dark angel how he really felt. But he had got a sinking feeling, that given what had transpired between them, that (Y/n) would think that it was just another way of him mocking her. So, he had kept his mouth shut. A decision that had resulted in him being severely reprimanded by his sister.

Pietro also knew that his reputation with the fairer sex, certainly wasn't helping the situation any. The crowds of girls that seemed to surround him wherever he went, apparently making things between himself and (Y/n), even more fractious. Even now, as they made their way around the store, girls were giggling and talking quietly to one another. The speedster doing his best to show (Y/n) that he had only come along on this stupid little shopping trip, so that they could spend some time alone together, without the eyes of the rest of the team, on them. To prove that he wasn't interested in any other girl. But as yet another girl came over to ask for a picture with him. It was proving impossible for him to do anything but play to the crowd.

"Look, Casanova. You are no use to me. Why don't you and your gaggle of girlfriends go get a room, and I will finish what we came here to do? Personally, I have better things to do than watch you drool. They'll be calling for a mop and bucket to clean up the aisle in a minute." (Y/n) huffed, as she tried to push the over laden cart through the ever increasing throng of admirers.

"Sounds to me like you are jealous." Pietro remarked, despite knowing that he shouldn't. Especially when (Y/n) turned to glare at him.

"That's it! I've had enough. I'm not putting up with you anymore Pietro Maximoff. Not only did you insist on coming along, just so that you could ruin my day. You have done nothing but be rude, condescending, and as mean as you possibly can. Well, you can tell the others why they haven't got their stuff. I am out of here." (Y/n) barked, ignoring all the shocked looks of the other store patrons, as she abandoned the cart and marched out of the store.

"(Y/N)!" Pietro exclaimed, as he ran out after her. The speedster quickly catching up with the winged beauty before she had chance to fly away.

"Leave me alone, Maximoff. I swear to Thor and Loki, that if you don't stop following me, I won't be held responsible for my actions." (Y/n) grumbled as she opened out her wings to their full extent. A sudden stiff breeze making each one of the black, opalescent feathers, flutter hypnotically.

"Hey!" A voice called out before Pietro could say anything in reply. A group of people making their way over to where the two Avengers stood. Both of them able to sense that the groups intentions were less than friendly.

"Ya know. They shouldn't let things like you be with tha Avengers. Freaks of nature like you should be destroyed at birth. We don't like mutants like you." The ringleader declared, as he raised his baseball bat to rest it on his shoulder. (Y/n)'s little trip to the store, seeming to attract much more attention than she had had planned. And seemingly, it was attention of the worst kind. (Y/n) wishing that she had Bucky, Cap, Tony, or hell, anyone else by her side but Pietro, who was probably going to join in with the group. The angel doing her best to hit the button on the communicator that Tony had given her, just in case she ever found herself in such a situation.

"I will have you know......" Pietro began, as he stood protectively in front of her. His hand reaching for (Y/n)'s and gripping it tightly.

"(Y/n) is one of the best of us. She is fearless and loyal. Kind, intelligent, funny, caring, and willing to surrender her own safety for the lives of the rest of us. She likes gummi bears, especially the green ones. She likes sad songs, and pretends that they don't make her cry, even when we can all see that they do. She loves horror movies. Her favourite character is Dracula, and some big guy with a hockey mask and machete. She sings in the shower. And even though she thinks that she has a terrible voice. To me, it sounds like a choir of angels has burst into song every time she sings a note. And I love her. So, if you want her, you have to go through me." Pietro continued. (Y/n)'s growing wide eyed as the speedster spoke. The angel having no idea that Pietro even knew, or thought, one of those things about her.

"Ain't that sweet. Tha freak has a boyfriend." The man called out a laugh. The group getting ever closer as Pietro and (Y/n) prepared for a fight. Both hoping that something would happen before things got really bad.

"Don't worry, (Y/n). I won't them hurt you." Pietro whispered, as his hand gripped hers tighter. His Sokovian accent getting more pronounced as the situation grew more serious.

Before the crowd could do anything, a sudden noise from behind (Y/n) and Pietro alerted the two to a welcome arrival. The duo turning to see Tony and Sam swoop in and come to stand with them.

"Is everything ok, sweetheart?" Tony asked, as his face mask moved backwards. The billionaire glaring at the group that had hurriedly begun to disperse. The ringleader running off like a scolded cat.

"Everything is fine, thanks Tony. It would appear that several citizens have alternative views regarding who should be included as part of the Avengers." (Y/n) replied. The mutant never taking her eyes from Pietro's. Tony and Sam looking at one another as Pietro took (Y/n) into his arms and rested his forehead on hers. Sam shrugging as he indicated that it may be better if he and Tony left them to whatever was going on.

"Did you mean everything that you said, Pietro? I mean......about me?" (Y/n) asked. Still not sure that this was all real.

"I meant all of it, (Y/n). I love you. I always have. I know I haven't shown it. I know that I shouldn't have called you a crow.........." Pietro began to explain. His words becoming muffled as (Y/n)'s lips crashed into his.

"I think that maybe we should start again." (Y/n) told him as she moved away and offered Pietro her hand.

"Hello. My name is (Y/n). Its very nice to meet you." (Y/n) giggled, as Pietro suddenly realised what she was doing.

"Hello, (Y/n). My name is Pietro. Its nice to meet you too." Pietro replied, as he shook (Y/n)'s hand.

"Well, Pietro. I think that this is going to be the start of a wonderful relationship." (Y/n) chuckled as she took Pietro by the arm and led him over to where Tony and Sam where waiting. The dark angel knowing that she would always be the speedsters, crow.     

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