Sister - Gladiator - Commodus x Reader

Start from the beginning

"As you can see, I am quite well protected." She said motioning to the men that surrounded her, all of whom had their hands on the hilts of their swords waiting for any word from their mistress.

"But as you are here to escort me to the palace, we will certainly accompany you."

The ride through the city drew a crowd, citizens coming out of their homes and businesses to see the strange group that passed by. The people knew that the lost princess was returning to Rome, much to the delight of their new Emperor. As the entourage made its way through the tightly packed streets of the capital, people threw petals in front of the horses, and murmurs could be heard from the men and woman about the beauty that rode past. The praetorians tried to usher away a large group of children only to be reprimanded by the young woman forcing them to let the children passed. They handed her flowers, and asked her where she had come from, and where she had been. Children who had not even been born when she had been forced from the capital, knew of her. The adults would say that Marcus Aurelius had changed the day that she left and not for the better, and that went doubly so for the young prince.

The praetorians finally managed to get her through the throng of people, at last making their way out into the main forum. The meeting area was packed with the citizens of Rome, flower petals and perfume filled the air as the crowd watched the princess separate from her entourage and lead her horse to the bottom of the large staircase that ran up to the palace. She dismounted her large white stallion and ascended the stairs which were guarded on both sides by the praetorian guards dressed in their regal purple. Reaching the top, she was greeted by the members of the senate, fawning over the young woman maybe in hopes of gaining some kind of favour.

"(Y/N)!" A voice suddenly called out from behind the men, she apologised, leaving the men to find the voice was that of her older sister. (Y/n) had never really had any love for her oldest sibling, always believing that she was favoured over herself and Commodus by their father; and when she had been forced to leave, and Lucilla allowed to stay, her dislike for her sister had only grown.

"(Y/n)." Lucilla called out again as she threw her arms around her, (Y/n) didn't even respond, keeping her arms down by her side.

"It is so good to see you again sister, you have been much missed."

(Y/n) curtsied as she pulled herself away from Lucilla's arms. "It is nice to see you again sister." She said, her face emotionless.

Before Lucilla could say anything else a male voice came from inside the palace.

"What do you mean she's here? Why did no one tell me? I should have been the first one to meet her."

(Y/n)'s face lit up as the familiar voice rang out; of course it had changed slightly and had gotten deeper, but she would know that voice anywhere.

The Emperor stormed out accompanied by a train of advisors and senators. As soon as he saw her face, he stopped dead in his tracks. She smiled at the man she had been waiting to see for years; rushing over to him she dropped to her knee and took his hand in hers kissing his ring.

"Caesar, it is so good to see you again."

Commodus placed his hand under her chin, pulling her face up slightly so that their eyes met, two pairs of perfect green orbs staring at one another.

"My, my, my, you have become more beautiful than I could ever have imagined (Y/n)." Commodus said as he helped her up.

He looked her up and down and tutted. "Well this will never do; I cannot have my beautiful sister in these rags, only the best gowns that Rome has to offer should touch that delicate skin."

Commodus offered her his arm and escorted her into the palace. "The people of Rome may have you when I say, until then my dear sister you are mine." He whispered into her ear as he escorted her deeper into the secluded depth of the great building.


Commodus sat watching as his sister unashamedly undressed in front of him, her naked body being kissed by the warm midday sun. He had waited so many years for her to be with him again, so many frustratingly long years. She was his first love, his only true love; he had lost part of himself when their father had sent her away, but now as he watched her body being draped in the finest silk, he felt whole again, as if the missing piece of his puzzle was finally in place.

Dismissing the slaves, he rose from his seat and knelt on the floor in front of her, his fingers delicately caressing her ankle before they slowly moved up her lower leg, he could feel the Goosebumps on her skin as his fingertips brushed across her warm body.

"It is such a shame to cover your skin in anything my dear sister, even the finest silk does not do you justice. But I am a selfish man, and the only one that will ever see your true beauty will be me." Commodus said, as his lips kissed her hips, his fingers gliding over her womanhood. He couldn't help but be thrilled as he felt the exquisite shiver that rippled through her body, he knew that the years had not lessened her love for him, and that she would refuse him nothing.

As he kissed her again, a sudden knock at the door halted him, he sprung to his feet shielding the naked form of (Y/n) from the prying eyes of the unwanted guest.

"WHAT IS IT?" Commodus bellowed at the guard.


"Forgive me your Highness. Senator Gaius says that you are urgently required at the Senate, it is of the utmost importance." The uneasy guard said as he avoided the angry glares of the emperor.

Commodus turned and draped a large cloak around his sister's body. "We will finish this later my love." He purred before turning to follow the guard.


It was dark as Commodus got back to the palace from the senate; business had taken longer than he thought, and had frustrated him beyond belief, even more so when the only thing he could think of was her. The feel of her skin against his lips, the taste of her on his tongue, he had slowly driven himself mad, and as he returned to his bed chamber, he had fallen into a fitful sleep, his fleeting dreams filled with her face.

As the first flash of lightening ripped through the room, Commodus was one his feet rushing through the halls of the palace to the only place he would feel safe, to the only person he would feel safe with.

He had become a child again, running to his sister for comfort, for assurance, for love. He pushed open the door to her room and saw her naked silhouette at the balcony, lit periodically by the light from the god.

"Still scared of Jupiter, brother?" (Y/n) asked, not turning her gaze from the city below.

"Always sister." Commodus answered in a shaky voice.

(Y/n) turned and saw her brother, he leaned against the doorway for support, his loose robe clinging to his sweat drenched body, his hair plastered to his forehead.

She rushed over to him, pulling him into her arms; he rested his head on her breast as he clung to her skin, trembling as another flash split the sky.

"Don't ever leave me again (Y/n), please never leave me again." He said, as he felt her arms around him tighten.

"I will never leave you again my love."

She pulled him towards her bed, taking off his damp robes and placing him under the sheets before joining him. Commodus could feel every part of her body as she pulled him close, placing one of her legs high up on his waist so that the two were nearly joined.

"Take me Commodus, make me yours, and I will give you everything I am, and everything you desire."

Commodus turned so that her body was underneath his.

"You will be my empress as you always should have been, and we will rule our Empire as Jupiter and Juno rule the heavens." He said, as he leaned down and kissed her lips.

As the two became one, the light of the gods was forgotten, and Rome would never be the same.

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