CH45. A Hunter Shall Do What He Is Taught

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Y/n's POV:

I submerged from the ground in our apartment. I was still thinking about Weiss's sentimental comment and why she seemed so...happy. It was weird to see that expression on her face. I looked up and saw that everyone was eating breakfast. Key word was. They were now all staring at me because a seemingly spawned in crawling out of the ground. I let out an awkward chuckle.

Y/n: Hey guys...

Nora: Hi Y/n!

Ruby: Not now Nora, we're silently judging him.

Y/n: *mumbles* Women.

Neo raised an eyebrow at me. I believe that she heard my comment.

Y/n: I'm not taking anything back.

She shrugged and accepted my lack of fucks. Ren stopped caring and Jaune was still pondering how and why the hell I emerged from nowhere.

Y/n: Yang summoned me.

Ruby: With the white rock?

Y/n: White summoning stone, and yes.

Neo: Whatever, come eat. Ren made pancakes and eggs.

I shrugged and walked over to have my meal. I was surprised that Neo was alright, considering the drinking that we did last night. Maybe she just took enough painkillers to sedate a sperm whale. We've all been there.

Y/n: Yang and Weiss are heading here.

That sudden reveal certainly wasn't what they were expecting to hear today. Neo glanced to see if Ruby was alright. Ruby was absolutely ecstatic that her sister and teammate would be joining. Jaune had gotten over Weiss so he wasn't vibrating like Ruby, but was glad to hear of her safety. Nora hadn't stopped eating and Ren was so used to morning chaos that his face remained expressionless.

Ruby: Is Weiss alright?!

Y/n: She's fine. Got kidnapped by the Branwens and broke out while I was with Yang. Speaking of, we have a new ally.

Neo: The bandits?

Y/n: Yup.

Neo: Not the biggest improvement, but we don't have much.

Ren: Anything helps.

Nora: Like more pancakes!

Nora emphasized her statement by swiping a few from my plate and inhaling them.

Y/n: I wanted those, asshole.

Nora giggles and rolled her eyes, truly, a women moment.

Y/n: *sigh* The bandits aren't much use, but their leader is certainly more valuable than them.

Ruby: Yang's mom?

Y/n: Mhm. Much more shit happened, but it'd be better if Yang told you.

I also left out Weiss's little moment. I figured that with how cold she often is about touchy stuff, that she would immediately smack me if she found out that I snitched.

Jaune: At least they're alright. With Yang's motorcycle, they'll be here in about a week, right?

Ren: We can probably hook up a small trailer to her motorcycle to speed up our movement to Mistral.

Y/n: Well we have two and a half months yet. We've covered a lot of ground and we're almost to Mistral. If Yang joins us then we'll be able to get there by the end of the month.

Jaune: What then?

Y/n: Leonardo Lionheart is an employer for Salem. We'll find him and get Salem's help in order to head to Atlas. Should we get sidetracked, there's always the option of taking a train to Argus.

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