CH14. Señor Thundercock

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I woke up and reheated the cookies from last night. Neo was still sleeping like a child, but I could never forget how nice it was to wake up to Siegewards estus soup.

I place a plat in the microwave and set them for a minute. After the time ended I picked them up and set the table with cookies and milk. I was going to walk over and wake Neo but I got a message on my scroll.

Cane Cunt

C.C: There is a very important manor I would like to discuss with you after your first class.

Y/n: Sure

C.C: And please change my name, I am the headmaster and should be referred to as such.

Chat: Y/n changed Cane Cunts name to: Headmaster Cane Cunt.

H.C.C: Improvement.

I set down my scroll and wake the sleeping ice cream cone.

Y/n: Hey Neo you gotta wake up now.

She stood up groggily and slowly signed.

Neo: The biggest disadvantage of being mute is that I can't groan "five more minutes".

Y/n: Well I could heal you, but it would be pretty damn costly. Permanent damage is hard to heal, even for me.

Neo: Then don't, if you cant do it then i don't wanna imagine what weird shit I'd have to do for vocal cords.

She took a seat and ate a few cookies.

Neo: Wow, they aren't even fresh and they taste amazing.

There was something I had wanted to ask her, but I feared the answer. I'll hold off on it, I don't wanna pressure her to join Beacon.

Y/n: Do you think Roman would bust me out of prison?

Neo stopped eating.

Neo: What?

Y/n: If you looked out the window, you would see Atleaian airships at Beacons edge. Ozpin gave me a text about something important, and I assume that Sergeant Metaldick wants to know about my power.

Neo: Probably, but it's unlikely Roman will cover for you. I can always do it myself though.

Y/n: Don't even think about it. I don't want to see you hurt.

She looked dramatically offended.

Neo: You think that a few robots could beat me?

Y/n: No, but you are now my little sister, and such I must be protective.

Neo: You suck.

Y/n: Love you too.

She stood up.

Neo: I'm going to take a shower. Cya after your classes!

Y/n: Don't get in trouble.

Neo give me a 'seriously?' look.

Y/n: *sigh* Don't get caught.

She jumped up and gave me a hug.

Neo: I won't.

Y/n: Cya Sis.

I walk out the door to see Ruby waiting for me.

Y/n: Oh yeah, forgot about you.

Ruby: Rude.

Y/n: So whatcha want to now?

Ruby: Why and how.

Y/n: Stop trying to be serious. It doesn't suit you Rubes.

Cinders Of Remnant (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now