And that was what she did. Sakaki was always good at that, she had a tendency to just throw herself into her work. And why not she really only had Sasara and Hatori in her life. Her family did not approve of her being a hero so she almost never dealt with them. So work became her mistress. And why not she loved it, well she did not love paperwork but it came with the terrain. It was just easier to throw herself into catching bad guys and being a better hero. Well that had been her life before she found herself in the strange agency and working with two old classmates.

She was so busy in her head with the work she did not even notice the blonde in the room had gotten up from his desk and had walked over to stand beside his best friend's chair leaning over it to watch the woman work at filling in the paper form before her.

"Finish that up and let's go," She said, jumping at hearing the loud deep voice right beside her ear. Geeze she wanted to put a bell on the blonde so he would not do that again. Then again, when was Bakugou ever quiet? Yeah this was on her for not noticing him. And of course as she glared up at the man she watched a playful shimmer flash in his eyes as his lips curled up into a ever so rare smile or maybe it was more of a smirk it was a little hard to tell with him.

"Okay give me a minute then we can leave," She said as she turned her attention back to form in front of her reading it quickly and then signing the bottom before putting it off to her finished pile. Now done she pushed the oversized chair away from the also larger than normal desk.

"Alright let's go," She said as she stretched as she stood up.

"Come on," The blonde grumbled as he turned and started to lead the way out of the office with her hot on his heels. She really just wanted to go home and relax. But Sasara would be expecting her and she could not leave her poor friend with a bunch of strangers as well as them being hero's. Her poor little friend would surely feel so out of place at an event with all hero's and she would be the one civilian. Sakaki could not do that to her friend. She could not force Sasara to deal with the likes of the Bakusquad alone.

And so the dark haired woman dragged her feet as she followed Bakugou out of the agency and towards his home. She still had a hard time believing that he and Kirishima lived together and rented such a nice apartment. The smell of the two alpha's was not completely unwelcoming. The scent of warm earth and a bonfire was a mouth watering combo. And the place was drenched in the scents. Even though she noticed the smell was not as potent as it could have been saying that both men had not been home in the last twenty four hours at least. That thought had her snicker a little to herself. Seems neither man spent their night in their own bed lately.

Kicking her boots off in the front door Sakaki walked into the house just making herself at home. At least this time she wasn't running around Bakugou's bedroom naked before stealing his clothes in her hung over state. She could hear the blond grumble but he didn't actually yell at her as she listened to him make his way to the kitchen. Sounded like he was going to get prepared for dinner.

"So what time is everyone supposed to start showing up?" Sakaki asked as she made her way into the kitchen to lean on the counter as she watched the man start to pull out pots and pans.

"I expect Shitty Hair and that Snowflake will show up in time to eat. Everyone else will slowly start to show up. Pinky and Tape Face tend to be the first to show up. Ears won't make it this time. Pikachu won't show up till after everyone else that moron is always late," Bakugou said as he listed off everyone coming based on his sense of nicknames. Hearing that had her smiling softly as she listened to the man still childishly use nicknames. Originally she had always assumed the man was too lazy to care to remember names. But now she wondered if it was just a way he showed his love for those he saw as friends.

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