Chapter 5.

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Lennox stood in front of the stage setting up her equipment before the show when Jolly hopped up onto the crate in front of her. 

"You are doing an amazing job Lenny. How are things going? Do you still like the job?"

Jolly was the oldest in the band and had slowly taken Lennox under his wing. 

"Thank you Jolly. That means a lot coming from you. I am having the time of my life. "

She replied as she set her tripod up. 

"You look tired. Not in a bad way or anything. I just noticed. "

She walked over and sat down next to him. 

"I get it. Yeah, I'm tired. I've never worked this hard in my life. It's worth it though. I'm enjoying my time with all of you."

He nodded and thought about his next response. 

"We all are enjoying having you around. Especially Noah. Speaking of Noah … anything going on between you two?"

Lennox laughed and shook her head. 

"Noah and I are just friends, Jolly. "

He frowned and nodded again. 

"For now. I know for a fact though that he is absolutely head over heels for you. Which brings me to my next concern. Noah Is an amazingly complex guy. He's caring and very intelligent but oftentimes will get into a funk where he pushes us all away. He has major anxiety and depression. If you all do get together just keep that in mind. He won't mean to do it but he will push you away. I don't want to see you get hurt. His mind just fucks with him."

Jolly looked sad as he explained the issue. Lennox took everything he said into consideration and sighed. 

"Thanks for the heads up Jolly. If anything comes of this at least I know in advance what I'm getting myself into. "

She stood up and began to unpack her camera case. 

"Do you really think he likes me?"

She mumbled not looking back at him. 

"Girl since Rockville he hasn't stopped talking about how amazing you are. So yes he does."

He patted her arm and then headed backstage. 

The show went off without a hitch. After they all headed back to the hotel and went their separate ways. Too exhausted to do anything else. 

Lennox found herself laying on her bed staring at the ceiling as she talked to Arwen on the phone. 

"Best friend, I miss you. How's everything going?"

Arwen asked . Lennox could tell she was sad. 

"I miss you too, Winnie . Everything is going great. I'm tired. Very fucking tired and a little homesick but im having a blast."

"Well this shit hole of a town hasn't changed since you left but it does seem more lonely without you. I'm glad you are having fun. So have you fucked that fine piece of male specimen yet?"

She inquired about Noah. Lennox chuckled and groaned. 

"No Winnie. Noah and I are just friends. You know this is the second time today I ve had to say this. Everyone is so concerned with me and Noah. "

She could hear Arwen huff on the other end. 

"Bitch what are you waiting for? You need to climb that man like a fucking tree. "

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