Chapter 4

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"Lennox I still don't think you should be going on tour with a random boy band for six months. You don't even know them. "

Lennox rolled her eyes as she sat in front of her dresser while she talked to her mother Annie on the phone a month later. 

"Ma it's going to be fine. They are not a boy band. They are a rock band. Big difference. Trust me, I'll be okay. I'm excited about it. "

She threw a bunch of bras and underwear into one suitcase as she spoke. 

"Still it doesn't sit well with me. Do they have any shows near us in Michigan? Maybe we can see you then."

Annie wasn't thrilled but Lennox didn't care. 

"I believe so. Right now I have no idea the schedule. I'll let you know though. Look I love you but I have to finish packing. I ve got to be at the airport in like six hours. I'll call you when I land."

They hung up and she sighed. She was excited but so nervous she could throw up.

She double checked her luggage and hauled it down the stairs. She had two suitcases and a carry on. 

"Is that going to be enough for the whole tour?"

Arwen asked as she watched her struggle.

"Who the hell knows. I pretty much packed my entire wardrobe. If I end up needing anything else I'll just buy it. "

Lennox responded as she flopped onto the couch next to her. They were silent for a while before Arwen cleared her throat. 

"I'm gonna miss the shit out of you. We've never been apart this long in our entire lives. It's gonna be quiet around here."

"I know. It's gonna be weird. I'm sure we'll talk all the time. I'll be back before you know it."

Arwen dropped her off at the airport a few hours later. The flight was six hours long. She landed in Dallas Texas and was met by a man named Bryan. He picked her up and took her to the hotel they would be staying in for the next few days. She had just checked in and got into her room when a knock came at the door. 

She walked over and opened it to reveal Noah and Jolly. 

"You made it. Wonderful"

Jolly smiled widely at her as she let them in the room. 

"It's so good to see you. We are glad you are here. "

Noah pulled her into a brief hug and then sat down on her bed. 

"I just got here. It's great to see you all too. So what's the plan? "

She asked as she walked to the other side of the room. 

"Well the tour officially starts tomorrow. Tonight we are just gonna hang out and get drunk. You are more than welcome to join us. "

Jolly explained as he shuffled his feet.

"We want you to feel as included as possible. You are one of us now. Please Don't stay by yourself the whole tour because you think we don't want you around."

Noah added as he smiled at her. Every time he smiled she got butterflies that felt like they were fluttering through her entire body. 

"I will make sure not to be too much of a loner. "

She laughed nervously. This all still felt overwhelming to her. 

"We are gonna go get settled and let you have a little while to yourself. I'm right next door if you need anything. Jolly , Nicholas and Nick are down the hall. We are planning on going to dinner at about 6. So be ready and then we shall get drunk. See you soon. "

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