Chapter Sixteen: Procedures

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Tom sighed, a heavy, painful sigh. Tom couldn’t get her out of his thoughts. She was always there, hanging around. He thought he was going mad. Sometimes he’d think that he saw her in the corner of his eye. But every time he’d look, all he would see was disappointment. There would be no Dom. There was no Dom. That disappointment would always bring him back; it hardly ever let him linger in those happy thoughts. It took him away and it would start all over again. That pain that he couldn’t ignore – the emptiness.

                He got up and walked over to his kitchen, knowing very well that it wouldn’t be a good trip. He walked over to one of the cabinets anyway, grabbing a bottle of his favourite Malt Whiskey and a glass. Dropping a few cubes of ice into the glass, he poured himself a good amount of the stuff. He sighed, leaning against the bench top.

“What are you doing here Dom?” Tom’s voice was low, broken.

“What are you doing Mister?” Her voice was different this time. He was slowly forgetting the sound of her voice. “You need to make more of an effort –“

“I’ve tried Dom.” Tom cut her off. “I’ve fucking tried.” His head fell, there was no energy left in him. “She – you… wont even answer my calls – I think she’s…you changed your number…..I don’t blame you really.” He gripped the drink tightly and walked away, he didn’t want to dance this dance anymore.

                As Tom walked into the lounge, he found her sitting on the couch, her legs crossed. “Please. Just…go away.”

“Call again? Go over there, say you’re sorry.” There was a rasp in her voice now. She looked angry. This was just a figment of Tom’s imagination, but she seemed so real. Sometimes little things would change, like the sound of her voice, the amount of freckles on her face, or the way her hair fell, but everything else seemed so real.

“It’s over Dom. I was an idiot for not believing you.” Tom put the glass down, watching her get up from her seat.

Dom walked over to him. She touched his hands softly, looking up at him. “Tom….she still loves you. She’s hurting. Go say sorry.” She stood on her toes and leaned into him. Her eyes fluttered closed before she put her lips onto his.

Tom closed his eyes. He felt nothing. He had seen her touch his hands and he mimed back. Nothing. Tom opened his eyes. She was gone.

“Thanks for that. I really needed it.” Dom smiled at the guy. He was actually quite nice, the two ended up sharing a drink and having lunch together.

“Don’ worry abou’ it luv.” He winked at me. “I’d luv to do this again?” It was an obvious hint for my number but I didn’t know whether it was fair on the guy. I was so lost at the moment.

“I..uh..Yeah. I…you know that I’ve just gotten out of a relationship right?” I didn’t even know if I wanted to bounce back that quickly.

“Yeah, of course mate. Even if yah do sor’ it all out yeah? I’d still luv teh be mates.” His smile was sweet and genuine.

It probably wouldn’t hurt. “Yeah. Of course.” I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. It was still fully charged, I couldn’t shake the habit of charging it every night. “What’s yo –“ I was surprised when I saw the txts. TomTom 37 new messages. TomTom 86 missed calls. How long had it been? Krissums 7 new messages. Kimmy 5 new messages. “Uh, hey. I’ve really got to go.”

“Wait,” he grabbed my arm roughly. “How am I gonna see you again luv?”

He was starting to scare me. “Oh yeah. Sorry hun.” I put on a fake smile, one that I’d hoped was believable. “079 358 127 551” I lied. “Txt me tonight yeah?” I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. It was the icing on the cake of lies.

Once in my car, I pulled out my phone again, reading the txts in the parking lot.

TomTom: okay. I’ll let you be. As always Dom I’m sorry for everything.

That was the latest one. I scrolled to the oldest message and read again.

TomTom: Dom. I’m so sorry. I looked at the photos online. They were just some stupid photos of you and Chris that night we went out for drinks. Answer your phone!

TomTom: Please Dom. I’ve called you 7 times already. It’s been three days already.

TomTom: Dom. I love you. I’m sorry. How can I make it up to you?

I fell back into my seat. “Fuck.” Taking a in a large breath, I let a heavy sigh escape my lips. I’d been ignoring him for….I check my phone again, looking at the date. Holy shit. It’d been almost a month. Flicking through the txt messages, I realised that his last txt was only sent two days ago. Maybe it wasn’t too late.

**COMPLETED**Unbound ((a Tom Hiddleston Fanfiction))Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant