Chapter 25: Keep them safe

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You nodded and then hugged Tony tight. You felt so awful that this happened to him. That Frey had done this to him. But you were not going to let it slide this time.

When you pulled away from Tony's hug you turned around to look at Frey. She was fighting to get free but Steve and Bucky had her pretty well.

"Let her go." You told them as you walked slowly towards her. You could feel your eyes burning.

"What? Y/n what are you-" Steve tried to pretest but you cut him.

"I said let her go."

Bucky and Steve did exactly as you asked. They let go of Frey's arms but she still wouldn't move. For a second everyone were confused but then realised what was happening.

You didn't know when you powers had come back but you also didn't care. At that specific moment in time you were simply furious and that was all you could think about. Holding down Frey took so little effort.

You walked slowly until you finally reached the side of her bed. She looked confused and maybe a little scared. Good. You wanted her you be scared. This time she had not just stepped over the line, but was thousands of feet away from it.

"So, I see you are finally learning how powerful you can really be." Frey had an arrogant smirk on her lips. One that you were about to wipe out.

"I tried to give you a chance but I see you didn't really want it." You said, your eyes stuck on her. The smirk was fading away.


"As of now you will be held here, restrained and monitored twenty four seven. Once you properly heal you are to return to Asgard, where you will be imprisoned. For life."

"What? Y/n what are you talking about?"

"You heard me."


"There are no buts, Frey. Not anymore. I chose to believe in you. You hurt me a lot of times and I could forgive you for that but hurting my family will not be accepted. You are done Frey. You just wasted your last chance."

"No, Y/n-"

"You stabbed Tony the moment you woke up!" You yelled. "What did you think was going to happen after that, huh? You thought that I was going to open my arms and welcome you to the family?"

Frey didn't speak for a few seconds. Which was more than enough time to tie her properly to the bed with your magic. This time you made sure that she was not going to break free unless you wanted her to.

You estimated that it would take her about two to three days to fully regain her energy and then she would be going to Asgard. You and her both knew that whoever got imprisoned in Asgard, was very unlikely to get out. And of course Odin would be more than happy to have her.

No one said another word. You all got out of the room and then you called four guards to monitor Frey; two were going to be in the room and two out of it. Loki also helped you cast a spell so that Frey wouldn't be able to use any magic inside the room. She was of course wearing the handcuffs but you could never be too careful.

Once everyone was out of the room and the guards had taken their placed you all went to the sitting area. You were the first one the sit on the couch and try to relax. You were quite tense and you needed to calm down soon.

Loki sat of course next to you and Tony was on your right. Clint and Nat were already there, sitting on the two armchairs by the big window. They were drinking their coffee and chatting as usual, having no idea what had happened.

For a few moments no one was talking, Clint and Nat quickly caught on to the tensed atmosphere and stopped as well. They were probably waiting for you to say something, give an explanation or express some sort of emotion. Though you really didn't want to say anything. You didn't want to talk about it. Your decision was final, Frey was leaving as soon as she got well.

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