Chapter 3: Olympus

Start from the beginning

"You are pegasuses?!" you shouted in shock. The horses neighed at you, flying a little quicker. You sat back down. A smile starts to spread across your face. Maybe this isn't that bad.


Brunhilde watched as the carriage ran off the cliff. She turned around, hearing a faint scream as she walked to her next destination. Hestia's palace. The next conference was in due time and there needed to be arrangements to keep you safe from the other gods.

Carefully, she stepped into the portal, leading her to the front gates of the magnificent palace. She stood patiently by the gates before a golden voice box appeared.

"Name and business," the voice demanded.

"Brunhilde, I am here to discuss important matters with Lady Hestia," she answered. After a moment of silence, the gates opened smoothly.

She walked up to the front doors. not long before they were pulled open by two servants. On the other side of the double doors, Hestia stood, a calm smile on her face. She spread her arms wide.

"Welcome, Brunhilde! It has been long since you last visited," she greeted her. Brunhilde knelt on one knee, showing her respect.

"Thank you for seeing me, Lady Hestia. I have some important news and would like to ask for a favor," Brunhilde spoke, getting straight to business.

"You may rise," Hestia said, standing before turning around and walking down the hall.

Brunhilde followed her through the long hallways, passing doors decorated with gold, shells, and the most expensive jewels she has ever seen. They ended their walk, stopping by a simple door with red oak wood. Hestia walked through the door before sitting on a chair, relaxing as she beckoned Brunhilde to sit down as well. Brunhilde sat on a comfy chair, the warmth from all around her, calming her nerves just a little bit.

Now it was time for her to propose her offer. And hopefully, it will get excepted otherwise she might as well kiss her chances of keeping you away from the other gods' goodbye. The only thing separating them was the polished maple desk in front of her.

"What is it that you wanted to discuss with me?" Hestia asked, breaking the silence.

"As you know the new oracle, that was born a couple of full moons ago, has predicted the next Valhalla Council," Brunhilde said, wording her sentence carefully.

"Yes, I am aware."

Brunhilde took a deep breath. "The favor that I ask of you, is to help me give a place to a human that I believe could help us."

Hestia looked at Brunhilde, not saying a word. "Is that so? And why should I help you keep a human in my palace walls?"

"This human could be the key to my plan in helping humanity survive for the next thousand years. She has proven to be a special one that has lived many lives."

Hestia quirked one eyebrow up, interest swimming in her eyes. "You mean to tell me this human has lived more than one life? Reincarnation?" she asked, suddenly interested in this human.

"Yes, her name is [Name] [last name]," Brunhilde said, noticing how Hestia's eyes widened just a little.

"[Name]?" Hestia asked, shocked. That name sounded familiar, almost as if she knew who this human is. Maybe she heard of someone named [Name] somewhere in history.

Brunhilde nodded. "I hope that when we can stay here until I know that the beginning of my plan has been put into motion, until then, I would like for us to stay here."

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