Not Alone part 2 $#&

Start from the beginning

"I hate waiting around like this!" Harry exclaimed grumpily, dropping himself down in a chair.

"I know, Haz. we all do." said Niall softly. "But at least we know he is in good hands, and they will not allow anything to go wrong."

Harry nodded his head in agreement. "Yea. Guess you are right."

"I am always right." Harry rolled his eyes at the blonde, with a small smile. It was nice to hear the blonde's voice. Niall had been way too quiet for the Lads' liking. It scared all three of them. They never saw Niall this quiet and sad. They never want to anymore.

The door suddenly opened, and Louis and Liam came back into the room. "The nurse could not get any information." Louis sighed, sitting down on the couch with Liam. " She told us that the surgeon would not tell her anything. All they said was patient was in surgery."

"No kidding." Harry said sarcastically.

"I want another tea." Louis grumbled, putting his hands to his temples an rubbing them. Liam shook his head firmly.

"No, Louis. You've had two, and that's quite enough. You know what happens when you drink to much, when you are stressed. You will wear a hole in the floor with all your pacing."

"But" Louis began.

"No!" Liam repeated firmly. "You're stressed enough as it is. Add hyperactive pacing into the mix, and you'll end up being sedated by one of the nurses."

Harry smiled to himself as he listened to his older boyfriends bickering amongst themselves.

Before, Harry could ask one thing, but was stopped by the doors opening and there was a surgeon coming into the room. Everyone was on their feet.

"Doc, How is he?" Liam demanded worriedly. The Surgeon raised his hands in a calming gesture.

"Zayn is going to be just fine." The four boyfriends let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Zayn's surgery was a success." The doctor continued. "We had to transfer some blood back into him, since he lost a lot. We had to go in and do stitches in every cut that he had. There were some quite deep ones, but everything is perfectly fine. We gave him some medicine for pain, and will want to keep a watch on him for the next couple of days, so we know that this pain medicine will work. He should be waking up soon, if you four want to follow me and I can show you his room." Nodding their thanks, the four Lads followed him.

"I ought to warn you four, though" said the Doctor. "We have Zayn hooked up to quite a few machines in there to monitor everything. But he'll be alright, and there is nothing to worry about. Okay, you lads ready?"

The Lads nodded, feeling their hearts begin to thud in their chest again. They just wanted to hold their boyfriend and never let him go.

The doctor opened the door. The Lads took a deep breath, suddenly feeling a little light-headed, and stepping into the room.

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