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First off, let me say welcome to my Akura Ou x OC fanfiction. I would love to see friendly conversations and opinions about this book in the comments. Also, feel free to point out any errors regarding the characters. It has been a little while since I've rewatched the anime. 

Second, the music included in each chapter is mostly for background noise, so it may or may not mesh well with the content of the chapter, however, it will hopefully not clash too intensely by the readers' opinions. If you have a suggestion for a song you would like better in any of the chapters, than please comment and I may change the song multiple times using your suggestions until I find one that seems to fit perfectly.

Third, when commenting, no cruelty or insults please. Civil conversations people. I would really not like the comments section to go head-to-head like Kurama and Tomoe, thank you very much. 

Finally, and most important, please enjoy "Clocks." Thanks for reading!

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