Chapter 46

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Harry was running in the gardens with Draco, they were tasked with finding flowers for Narcissa and some of it was to get the boys out of the house. Draco and Harry were going crazy, because Tom, Sirius, Fred, and George were gone for a meeting and the two were not allowed to be there. Harry was pregnant quite heavily and Draco was upset that he wasn't pregnant. The house was crazy, with one pregnant teen and one wanting to be pregnant, Severus was trying to remain calm with James being back and Lucius was trying hard to not murder Barty. Narcissa was happy with her boys, she loved Harry as her own and Draco was her perfect little boy, they would bring her snacks and sometimes flowers. Harry and Narcissa and Bellatrix were making the nursery, as a surprise for Tom and Sirius. It mostly Slytherin green with gold edging and had both a stuffed snake and a stuffed lion in the crib. There were flowers in every room and blankets, mostly because Harry requested a blanket one day the house elves put a soft, warm, blanket in every room, just for Harry. Kreacher moved to the manor to take care of little master Harry and no good master, he loved the young boy and even made a special treacle tart for him every day. The boys presented their flowers to Narcissa, with big smiles and dirt on their cheeks. "I love them!" She hugged the two boys who gave her a kiss on the cheek before running to play exploding snap with Rodo and Rab. "Sister, are you okay?" Bellatrix saw Narcissa with tears in her eyes, silently crying as she held the flowers close, one of them was lily. Narcissa and Lily became great friends while Narcissa pregnant, Lily was the one who went with her to a muggle shop to buy a picture album for the sonogram pictures and even was made godmother. Lily had helped smuggle in the muggle sweets she craved and even brought her to a muggle cinema to watch a horror film called the Shining. Narcissa couldn't watch the movie without bursting into tears, even now. "I miss her too." Bellatrix liked Lily, she had a crazy streak in her, an honorary Black sister, since they had to kick out Andromeda. "We need to get you back to Barty, because he is going to be hexed by Lucy and it won't be pretty." Severus, James, and Lucius were in the library with Barty, ignoring him and Lucius was giving death glares. "Barty, would you like to go for a walk in the garden?" Narcissa was given one of his famous smiles and they were off. "I'm going to find my boys." Bella walked off to find her husbands and nephews. "What is going on?" Lucius huffed and flopped onto his chair. "What do you mean?" James crawled onto his lap and kissed him. "You aren't going to distract me with kisses. I am not going to let this go." Lucius was losing and James was winning, by kissing and sucking on Lucius's neck, making the older Malfoy moan. "I found it." James always found the spot on his mates' necks that made them moan, in fact James knew all the ways to make them moan. "None of that here." Severus grabbed his mates, and they were soon in their room, on their bed. "Is it play time masters?" James asked innocently. 

Tom was ready to pull out his hair, not only did his prisoners not give him information, but they also still thought they were going to be saved by the great Harry Potter, the boy-who-won't-fucking-die. "Should I get our kitten?" Sirius knew that Harry was great at calming Tom down, mostly because Tom would reassure himself that Harry was okay by rubbing the baby bump and feeling the strong kicks. "Did someone call for me?" Harry showed up in the office. "What are you doing here?" Harry shrugged. "Rodo, Rab, Dray and I were playing a game, but then Aunty Bella came in and they left with her, and Draco wanted to see the twins and I wanted to see you." Harry was given a quick spell check, before Fred, George and Draco came into the room and were laughing their heads off. "I hexed him!" Harry started laughing and knew what his brother meant. "Who?" Tom was confused and so was Sirius. "Ratty, Pettigrew." Draco was still laughing but all that stopped when Harry grabbed his stomach in pain. "Die Bitch!" A woman yelled at Harry before being hit with a torture curse from the Dark Lord. Harry was released from the curse and George ran a spell to see if the babies were safe. "The babies are fine my lords." George assured them and the witch was thrown in the dungeons by a very angry Kreacher. "No ones be hurting my little master Harry." Kreacher spat on the witch before going to get his little master something to drink. "Heres you be, Kreacher make you some hot chocolate." The old elf was given a hug from Harry along with thanks from Tom and Sirius. The witch would be entertainment for the Death Eater meeting tomorrow. It was a quiet rest of the day, Fred, George, and Draco went to their room and Tom, Sirus and Harry followed their example. "I missed you two." Harry was cuddled between them, and they were peppering his face and bump with kisses. "We missed you more." Sirius kissed Harry as the smaller male moaned. Tom began to attack the teen's neck and Sirius was starting to get an idea. "Play time." Sirius and Tom made sure that Harry was happy with that, and the night ended with three very tired, sticky mates and a messy bed. 

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