Chapter 26

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The best thing about this app is the comments. I love talking with you, it makes writing better, knowing that people care about the story. My lovely readers, this is something I want to say and that is that I love each and every one of you. It is very encouraging that you care about this story. Love you all~ JessRose.

It was warm for February but that didn't stop Sirius from putting warming charms on Harry's clothes. "Hey Harry, do you want to sit with us?" Percy led Harry to where the others were. Percy held a hand over his unborn child and Arthur kissed the bump and Percy. "Harry, how do you feel?" Harry was nervous, the task was to get someone important to you. "Harry, we got you some Gilly-weed, Dumble expects you to use it." Neville handed Harry the plant and Fleur went to fuss over Harry and Viktor about being warm enough. It was well known that Fleur was a motherly person, and they were now the targets of her mothering. "We will be fine." Viktor wrapped an arm around the girl. "All we need to do is save our loves and then cuddle with them for three days." Viktor said something in French and made Fleur blush wildly. Dumbledore most likely kidnaped Ginny or Ron for Harry to save, but Hermione was also missing so anyone of them could be a possibility. "I love you, so much my little pup." Sirius kissed Harry's hand and went with the other teachers. Fleur, Viktor, Harry, and Cedric lined up and went into the water at the same time, diving towards the merfolk village. It was cold, like stuck out in a blizzard with no coat in cast offs of a fat tub lard that called itself your cousin, at least the warming charm made it a bit better. The water made it sort of hard to see but Harry was led by Viktor and Fleur to the village. There, chained to the bottom of the lake was Fleur's little sister, Hermione, Cho, and Ginny Weasley. Viktor realized that Hermione was for him to save and shuddered, the shark headed boy looked sick to his stomach. Cedric hadn't found them yet and so with quick work they got their person and went to the surface. Fleur went up first, the Viktor, then Harry, all of them were helped up and wrapped in towels. Ginny kissed Harry and Sirius and Tom were not happy. "You do love me! Oh, I knew you did, Harry!" Ginny was smiling and kissing Harry, not knowing that a dark lord and grim were very unhappy with her. "Oh, how romantic and Viktor you saved our dear Hermione!" Molly was standing behind Dumbledore and looked like she was going to burst with happiness. "I don't what games you are playing, but I have no connection to this girl." Viktor was upset and so was Charlie, he was nearly in tears. "Oh, my dear boy, you are in love with Miss. Granger. You wouldn't have been chosen as her savior if you were destined to be together." The senile old man responded smiling and only got a 'Are you stupid' look from everyone. The Bulgarian seeker was openly gay and in love with Charlie Weasley, hell he took the boy to the Yule Ball. "Headmaster, why did I save Ginny? I am gay, I don't even look at girls that way." Harry asked and dodged another kiss from the redheaded girl. "You are not gay Harry!" Molly was growling at Harry when Arthur came to his rescue. "Someone wanted to make sure you were safe." A big black dog that Harry knew was his mate came up beside him and nudged Ginny out of the way. "Snuffles I am perfectly fine." Harry was giggling as Sirius licked all over his face and growled when Ginny came to close. "Harry, my boy, come to my office, we have somethings to discuss." Dumbledore assumed the boy would comply but was shocked when Fleur stopped him. "Headmaster, Harry will be coming with my Family tonight as a celebration of the tournament." Fleur said and Viktor was invited as well, the champions excluded Cedric from the dinner, which the Hufflepuff noticed. "Well, another time then." Dumbledore led the champions to the castle were Pomphrey immediately set to fixing any damages done to the young witches and wizards. "Harry, why are you leaving me?" Ginny sounded like a petulant child. "I am going to get ready for my dinner with the Delacour's." Harry said and Fleur wrapped a blanket around Harry, making sure that he was warmer. "What dinner?" Cedric asked and Cho was also curious. "It is a dinner for the champions and their dates." Gabrielle said before Bill and Fleur both put extra warming charms on her, she was too small to be under water for most of the night. "When do we leave?" Hermione and Ginny chorused. "You are not going. The dates are the ones they took to the Yule Ball." Fleur said her normally warm voice was full of venom. "Harry loves me, of course I am invited aren't I Harry?" Ginny was being a bitch and Harry didn't have the energy for it. "Harry, we have permission for your guest." Fred and George came in with Snuffles and Harry ran and hugged his dogfather (get it? get it? I will go now). "Snuffles!" Harry was getting kisses from the dog, and it was forcing his best laugh out him. It was music to the ears of those who loved the boy. Severus walked in and smiled when he saw his son being happy. "Potter, you are needed in the headmaster's office." Sirius growled but Severus wasn't done. "As are you Snuffles." The big, black dog went with Harry and the twins followed as did Fleur and Bill, and Viktor and Charlie. "Now, the headmaster only needed these two, but I have these." Severus held up some invisibility enhancers that the Marauders had made in school. Sirius recognized them and smiled, it had taken months to get those right and they were used for spying on teachers. "Wear them around your neck and the old man won't see you." Severus helped with Draco's and the twins. "Lemon Drops." Severus and the rest cringed at how predictable the password was. "Ah, Severus my boy thanks you for bringing Harry and his dog, you may leave now." Albus smiled his grandfatherly smile and waited for the potion master to leave. "Harry, do wish for me stay?" Severus wanted to stay, to protect his son, but he would leave if Harry asked. "You can stay Professor, only if you want to." Harry was looking at his dad and wished for him to stay, he needed his dad. "I will stay Potter, don't need you getting lost on the way to the dorms again." Severus sat down in the chair next to Harry. "Now, that is unnecessary Severus, I am sure you have some grading to do." Dumbledore needed Severus to leave so he could use the spells on Harry. Oh well, the compulsion potions would work well enough. "Here is some tea to warm you up Harry, my dear boy." Harry wanted to gag at how the headmaster was trying to control him, he could smell the potions and see as how his dad is the potion master, he knew what it smelled like. "I am not up to drinking anything sir." Harry replied and placed a hand on his stomach he also made a 'I'm going to be sick face.' "Yes well, this has some potions in it to help you." Dumbledore smiled as Harry took the cup and Sirius frowned at the headmaster. "So, you and Miss. Weasley will be given some private quarters Harry. Now before you say anything, it is for the best that two newly mated kids stay out of the public dorms." Harry's face lost all its color. "Sir I am not mated to Ginny Weasley." Harry was starting to panic, and Sirius in dog form could only do so much and Severus couldn't blow his cover. "Harry, my boy, I know it can be daunting to be a creature and suddenly have your mate faced with danger right after saving them, but it's for the greater good." Dumbledore was laying it on pretty thick, and the invisible people were waiting to pounce on the headmaster. "Professor Dumbledore, I am gay. I don't love Ginny in that way." Harry was keeping a tight grip on Sirius's fur as the headmaster tried to control his furry. "Severus, my boy, could you go check if Poppy needs more potions for our guests?" Albus needed Severus gone and now! "Harry, will not be needing those quarters and he is not in the main dorms. I placed him in special dorms made for creatures." Severus was close to killing the headmaster for trying to manipulate his son. "My dear boy, Harry needs to be in the special rooms I have prepared for him. Ginny and Harry will need privacy for their mating, and no one wants to mate in a room full of other students." Albus was trying but his mask was slowly slipping. "Potter! Do you want to live in the new rooms or stay in your dorm?" "Can I stay in my dorm, it is safe." Severus almost cried when his son flinched away at the tone of his voice. "Very well then, Albus, Potter will stay where he is." Severus took Harry and led him and the others out and to his own rooms. "He is never touching you ever again." Sirius growled and kissed Harry like his life depended on it. Lucius held a now crying Snape in his arms as the meeting was replayed to Lucius via memories. "We are never leaving you alone, ever." Draco said and climbed into his brother's lap. Severus and Lucius made the boys sit with them on the couch, the small family stayed there for a while, while Lucius and Severus's creatures calmed down. "No one is hurting you while I live." Lucius said as the green-eyed boy fell asleep in his father's arms.

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