Chapter 16

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Tom sat watching Nagini chase Wormtail around the small room. "My precious Nagini come to me." He hissed in parsel. The great snake slithered over, she was hiss, laughing, she wouldn't kill the rat man until Tom told her too. "He needs to careful of his surroundings." The snake was still laughing as she left to sit by Tom. "I want to discuss my mates and my return to them." Nagini listened to her master and wished that she could bring them to her master. Nagini had always liked Sirius; he was a good man and he also encouraged her to bite those who insulted her master. "Master, you should just let them see you, they will need you. Your submissive needs you." Nagini didn't understand, her master, he needed his mates and they needed him. The mates were in great need of each other, it seemed simple to her, they should be together, and they wouldn't care what he looked like. "I don't want them to see me at my weakest. I am their dominant, if I can't protect them, they won't see me as a protector latter." Tom wanted them there, but he needed to be strong and have his body back. "I will write them another letter, they should hear from me more often, especially Harry since we are starting the courting process." Tom brought some parchment close and wrote with great difficulty but with much love for his mates. "Send these to my mates, and don't fail me." Wormtail was shaking with fear and stuttering, he was trying to avoid Nagini. "They will bring you more happiness, my Master." Nagini hissed comfortingly to Tom before falling asleep. 

Arthur, Percy, Sirius, Harry, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Viktor, Fred, George, and Draco were sitting in Remus's small sitting room where he was glowing with happiness. "I went to visit my mate and well, things happened." Remus was blushing and fidgeting with his wedding ring. "The best thing has happened. I am pregnant." Remus blurted out. Everyone started to congratulate him and hug him; Remus was drowning in the love of this new family he had. "Remmy!" Harry was hugging him the most. "You are going to be the best mom in the world, Moony." Sirius said hugging his best friend. "We are all very happy for you." Percy said from his position on Arthur's lap, he was looking at Remus's stomach with wonder and awe. "Does Fenrir know?" Charlie asked holding Viktor's arm as if afraid he would leave. "Yes, he was the first to know. I wrote him a letter which can only be seen by him and sent the test with it." Remus was smiling when an unknown owl came in and left a letter before flying off again. "It's from Fen!" Remus jumped up and then ripped open the letter. 'My perfect little wolf, I am overjoyed! Hopefully I can break out of here to see you again and be with the both of you. I would love to hold you close and be there with you, I will forever keep the picture and test close to me at all times. You my wolf will be the best mommy in the world, and I shall want every detail of the pregnancy and if you are horny, please come visit, I will help as your mate. I shall try, make it my life's devotion to get out and be with you and our cub. 

Love always Fenrir Lupin Greyback.'

Remus started to cry and then told them that Fenrir wanted to be free with Remus and their cub. "Padfoot, can you think of how to help?" Sirius just shook his head. "I wish I could help, but as a Grimm, and Fenrir is a werewolf, they might put silver chains on him during the full moon. I stopped eating for a few weeks and then took my dog form and left through the bars of my cell. Fenrir can't take his wolf form at will." Remus had silent tears falling down his face. "I don't mean to make you sad Moons. I am trying to help you." Sirius hugged Remus and rubbed soothing circles on his back. "Maybe we can get a muggle and pollyjuice them to look like Fenrir and get Fenrir and Remus on the full moon and make sure that the fake Fenrir die under the potion. The fake Fenrir will look like the real Fenrir forever, because anyone who dies under pollyjuice potion looks like that forever." Draco suggested, and everyone was shocked, that they had never thought of that. "I believe that may work." Arthur said and then they started to work on the plan and Harry was helping by offering his help with sneaking the fake Fenrir in with the invisibility cloak." They all started to plan in greater detail before the others had to return to Hogwarts or the Burrow. "We will be by more often, until you have Fenrir, because I know you two and we will be by in a month after you two are reunited." Sirius chuckled as Remus blushed and shooed him away. It was going to be amazing to be with his husband once again, and they could properly celebrate having a pup together.   

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