Chapter 33

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Fred, George, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Neville, Harry, and Luna were sitting together in the Great Hall waiting for the arrival of Albus Dumbledore, they didn't have to wait long. When the old man walked in, he was covered in bits of lemon drops and his robes were an awful shade of orange, it was awful, like burn your eyes out of their sockets bad. "Albus, are you okay?" Minerva McGonagall asked trying to hide a smirk with her napkin. "Someone broke into my office and played a prank on me. Never fear my dear, all is well." Albus didn't see Professor Sinisterra's glare or Snape's sneer, or even the Slytherin's hateful looks and the not so hidden smiles. Harry's own inner circle minus the adults were crying from trying not to laugh. Fred and George pulled Draco closer so they could laugh and pretended to tickle Draco and Harry so they could laugh, Blaise, Neville, Luna, and Pansy joined in. They got glares from the headmaster, Professor Malfoy, Professor Snape, and suspicious dog with a grey stripe down his back. "Mr. Potter, may I see you in my office?" Professor Malfoy (Sirius) said, and Harry hid a blush and followed his mate to his office. "Did you do that?" Sirius loved the smile that graced Harry's face. "We might have had some fun and it was in Papa's book. Dad and Father gave us permission, also Tom will love the memory." Harry shrugged before snuggling into one of Sirius's famous (To his mates) hugs. Tom was called on the mirror and he laughed when Harry described in detail what Dumblewhore's face looked like. "You did that Kitten?" Tom sounded proud and Harry was given kisses from Sirius. "Strengthen the wards on your rooms, I am coming over." Tom said and Sirius put his mate on his office chair. Tom came through the floo and took Harry in his arms and kissed his mate senseless. "You did so well, Kitten." Tom was holding Harry close and was upset when he had to go classes for the day. "Isn't your Animagus form a snake?" "Yes, a tiger snake." Tom was suspicious before he caught on. "Do you want me to go to class with Harry?" "Tom, Albus wants to take Harry on a special trip before he is returned to his ever so loving relatives." The man turned into his snake form and Harry was in awe. Tom was a handsome man, but his snake was just the perfect mix of intimidation and beauty. "Tom?" Harry hissed in their language. "Yes, Harry, are you sure that you want me to be with you for the rest of the day?" Harry nodded and kissed the snake head before fixing his robes around him before they went off to double potions. It was double potions and then History of Magic with Professor Malfoy, who would be Fenrir Grayback because Sirius Black was needed for a kidnapping that would allow Harry to play hero and be kept with Tom, safe and sound, out of the war he wanted no part of ever. The classes went smoothly, Harry got some detention with his dad and Fenrir gave Hermione and Ron detention with Filch. Soon it was time for the meeting with Dumblefuck and Harry had to go, no matter how badly he wanted to go back to his room at Riddle Manor, in the bed with his mates, cuddled with them. Harry wanted to be cuddled up with Sirius and Tom, with Tom reading to them from 'The Darkest Arts', the first book Tom read to them after teaching Harry the theory behind the dark arts. "Harry, My Boy!" Dumbledore sounded all too happy, and it made Harry shiver, he felt a small amount of fear and if it wasn't for Nagini, who threatened Tom with castration of he allowed her hatchling around the wrinkly old mad man without protection, Harry would have lost his mind. "It is time, Hatching, before he gets too close. If the lemon man gets closer, I will bite him."  Nagini hissed into Harry's ear and Harry decided to be as dramatic as Sirius and Auntie Bella. Harry started to rub his scar, crushing a small capsule of fake blood on his scar, making it look like it was bleeding. "Sirius!" Harry was crying out and trying to keep a straight face as Nagini hissed laughed into his ear. "NO SIRIUS!" Harry pretended to wake up and started to mumble about Sirius and Diagon Alley. "Let us go and see if we can't sort this out?" Dumbledore roughly grabbed Harry's arm and Nagini was about to bite him, if it wasn't part of the plan. "Good of you to join us, Dumbly." Bellatrix was cackling and holding golem Sirius by the hair and she had her wand on his neck. "It was so nice of you to finally come with us Golden Boy." A random Death Eater that Harry didn't know said hiding a smirk under his mask. "Sirius?" Harry was hesitant to ask and Auntie Bella made their sign that it was all good, and she smiled harder and made her cackle more insane. In the shadows lying in wait was Remus, ready to get Harry back to Death Eater headquarters and safely in the arms of his mates. 

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