Chapter 4

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Sirius was watching Harry sleep and smiled at how sweet and innocent his godson looked, he looked happier than he ever had. "Little Master Harry needs undisturbed rest, No Good Master is not to be bothering Little Master Harry." Kreacher told Sirius sternly shaking his long bony finger at him just like he had when Sirius was a little boy. "I am making sure that he is not hurt. I would never in a million years hurt my godson. Don't worry Kreacher I won't let him get hurt like Regulas." Sirius had a hard time saying his baby brother's name knowing that he couldn't save him. "Yous will not be bothering Little Master Harry, if yous being doing that Kreacher will tell Miss Cissy." Kreacher threatened and Sirius knew his cousin would kill him and bring him back to life to kill him again. Narcissa was trained but unlicensed healer who had always helped to heal him and Regulas along with Bellatrix and Andromeda when they got into scrapes when they were little and didn't want their parents to know. "Kreacher get Narcissa and tell her that my godson needs her expertise and to not tell her sisters, husband, and not to tell her son." Kreacher nodded and left with a pop. Harry started to wake up and freaked out when he realized that he wasn't in his cupboard under the stairs. "Wha...What's going on?" Harry was confused and then calmed down when he saw his godfather. "Padfoot, what's going on?" Harry sat up and cradled his cat tail closer to himself and then noticed that he was wearing. "You never have to wear those rags ever again." Sirius had washed his godson and put him in one of his old muggle band shirts which looked like a dress on Harry's small form. "Are you sure?" Harry wouldn't look at Sirius, he didn't want him to see the hurt and Harry definitely didn't want to see the hatred in his godfather/mate's eyes. "What's wrong pup?" Sirius pulled Harry onto his lap. "Nothing! Why would anything be wrong!? I have cat ears and a tail, and you probably hate me now!" Harry was hysterical and hiding in Sirius's chest. "I could never hate you pup. Why would you think that? Is that what those muggles told you?" Sirius saw that Harry had tears in his eyes. "You don't think that I am disgusting?" Harry was surprised and that hurt Sirius that his godson had been made to feel as if his sexuality made him disgust and on top of that he had many scars and many more that Sirius couldn't see due to glamours that were put on him by a powerful wizard and if Sirius's gut was right and it was rarely wrong it was put on by Albus Dumbledore. "You are not at all disgusting pup and anyone who told you that or who thinks that can go to hell. Anyone who wants to hurt you has to go through me and our other mate." Harry was surprised about having another mate and suddenly he wanted to have both with him. "Where is our other mate?" Harry asked and then shyly hid in Sirius's neck. "He is not someone that can come to us right now pup. I know that if he could be with us right now, he would be holding you." Harry snuggled into his godfather's lap. When Sirius started to pet Harry's cat ears and that made the boy start to purr. "What is going to happen to me now?" Harry asked worriedly. "You will stay with me, and we will go to Gringotts in the morning and take a look at your creature inheritance and we will see when we can get to be with our other mate." Sirius kissed the top of Harry's head, and then the floo lit up. "What in merlin's name did you do Sirius?" Narcissa demanded sternly and then instantly became concerned. "What has happened and why id Harry Potter in your living room!" She demanded but softly and went to Harry's side and started her motherly fussing. "Oh, my sweet boy what happened to you?" She asked as she ran a few tests and then held a sobbing Harry close. "I need to take off these glamours Harry to see the damage and heal you. It might hurt so your godfather will give you a dreamless sleep potion and I promise that we will both be here when you wake up." She promised and I held Harry as I gave him the potion and he fell asleep. With each diagnostic spell she cast the list of inguries grew and Sirius started to feel sick. All this time Dumbledore had promised that Harry was safe, that Dursleys loved him and treated him like a king, only from what Sirius could see, Harry was treated worse than even house elves. "Cissa?" Sirius was near tears and saw that his cousin was crying silently. "Who? Who would do this to a child? Sirius, I need to know who did this." Narcissa broke down sobbing and clung to her cousin. In all her years as a healer for the Lord Voldemort she had never seen anything this horrific on one person, let alone a child of 13. It made her sick and then she thought of her own son Draco and that it could have been him. She noticed her cousin looking at his godson and then remembered that she had to break the glamours. "Let's get to work on these. Sirius, Harry may be asleep, but you need to make sure that he doesn't hurt himself or force his magic to protect him. I need you to hold him and stabilize his own magic with your own magic." She told him in her healer voice. "Now hold him still and try to reach your magic out and connect with his." Sirius nodded and held Harry closer to him. When the glamours broke both of the adults and Kreacher cried out in horror. You could count every rib; in fact, you could see all of the boy's bones. No muggle could make all the marks on his body, some of them were made by magic that even Voldemort wouldn't use. "Dumbledore." Sirius said painfully and just cuddled Harry to him with no intention to let him go. "Certainly, if he knew he would have removed the boy." Narcissa said but her voice betrayed her, she didn't believe her own words. "Kreacher be making Little Master Harry some food now." The ancient house elf told them before leaving with a pop. In his little room the hose elf let out heart wrenching sobs, that sweet boy reminded him of Master Regulas and for someone to hurt him like that? Kreacher resolved to take care of the boy.

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