Chapter 32

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Hey, still feel like crap but my oldest sister is making me feel useless and sawing that when she is sick, she does all sorts of work and takes care of her two children. I need to look more like I am being a good human while simultaneously ignoring my family with the excuse of having a job (I don't have job.) Back to the story. 

 Fenrir saw Remus feeding baby Howl, Remus was singing softly to him (I forgot if I gave baby Howl a gender, so the baby is a boy now. Sorry I am not great with my memory and writing the story and keeping up with my life.) Remus was a natural, he was a perfect mom and Fenrir loved how easy his husband made it look. "You are so hot when taking care of our son." Remus jumped and then saw who it was. "Thank you love, but I have to disagree. How does having spit up and food in my hair make me look hot?" Remus put the baby in his crib and lightly kissed his head. "Goodnight my sweet boy." Fenrir kissed his son's head and left with his husband back to their room. Fenrir led Remus to their room and helped him change into knew clothes for bed. "I love you, Rem." Fenrir kissed his mate before picking him up. "Hey! I am too big for you to pick up! You're going to hurt yourself!" Remus would never admit it, but he loved it when Fenrir picked him up. "You don't have to worry about that, little wolf, I am strong as ever." Fenrir was acting dramatic and dumped his husband on the bed. "Now, you owe me something sweet after being mean, darlin'." Remus blushed bright red. "Careful you could make a tomato jealous." Fenrir loved making Remus blush, but he loved making him scream even more. 

Draco was sitting with Harry in the Slytherin common room with Pansy and Blaise. "So, have you guys finished your essay on dream interpretation?" Harry looked up from his book and smiled when Pansy blushed, it was well known that Pansy and Luna worked on the essay together and most likely topless. "I have to come up with a dream. I don't think that Professor Trelawney wants to know about my dreams of Neville." Blaise smiled when he saw Neville coming into the common room. "Hello Mi Amore." Neville kissed his boyfriend before going to his room to feed his plant. "What's up with Neville?" Pansy shrugged and pulled Luna in for a kiss and went with her to their dorm room. "Neville has few plants that need to be nurtured and he treats them like his children." Blaise went after his boyfriend and Harry and Draco pulled the book closer and saw all the pranks they could do together. "Look at this, it would be perfect for old Dumbly." Draco pointed to a page on exploding Lemon Drops. (I had to. If you know what story this is from, I love you. I love you anyway, but if you read my first atrocity then you are amazing.) "If we do this, we are going to need to talk Sirius and dad to get Dumblefuck out of his office." Harry began to write down the ingredients they would need, and Draco went to the twins they were always up for a prank especially on the headmaster and head of the Order of the Flaming Chickens. "We need these things, Daddy." Lucius was there and kissed Harry on the head before looking at the list. "What is this?" Severus smiled when he saw the list, it was made by him and James for a prank. "This is for exploding Lemon Drops, James and I made for Albus." Severus went to get everything from his storeroom and also so that his son wouldn't see him cry. The night they come up with this was the night they found the name Harry in their History of Magic book, and James was adamant that they would name there first son Harry Severus Lucius Snape-Malfoy-Potter. "We have the best friends and best book." The twins said as they hugged Harry from behind. "We need to talk to Sirius to see if can get the old man out of his office." Harry was given the ingredients and left with a hug for his dad and father. "Love you Father and Daddy." Both Harry and Draco ran from the room and went back to their rooms with the twins to start on their little project of messing with the old man who ruined their lives. Severus and Lucius were sitting in their room Lucius was reading the Daily Prophet and Severus was grading papers. It was going to be hard but good for them now that James's old prank book had been found. Severus and James had spent hours writing in the journal, Lucius was into politics and Severus had his potions, and James had his pranks, but James was the best at charms it was what made the time move faster while he was in Godric's Hollow. "I love you kitty cat." Lucius said kissing Severus's cat ears before he went back to Malfoy Manor to see Narcissa and Barty. Barty and Narcissa were starting to be more than friends and Lucius felt the need to protect his friend and sister. "Don't let Tom see you, he will pull you into making a surprise for Harry and Sirius." Severus kissed Lucius goodbye and then went home to keep an eye on Barty and make sure he didn't do anything with Narcissa.  

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