The only thing I could think about was whether me being in this class with Noah will be destructive or not.

As soon as class ended, I bolted out of there. But it didn't matter because Noah was at my side a moment later. "Convenient you're in my class," Noah spoke, but neither of us faced the other as we headed down the stairs. "Do I need to get a restraining order?"

I let out a humorless laugh, "I passed my entry math class, did you?" We exited the building and I wasn't surprised he continued following me after I made that comment.

Noah scoffed, "Always thinking you're better than everyone," he muttered.

I stopped in my tracks on the paved sidewalk. It was two times the size of the average sidewalk for more footage. Noah and I stood to the side. "You know that's a lie, I never judged you," I said firmly. "And believe it or not, Noah, it didn't even cross my mind that you'd be in this class because I wasn't thinking about you when I picked my classes. Self obsessed much?"

I couldn't stop talking and defending myself; maybe because Noah never gave me the chance to speak on Saturday. "And what happened to not speaking to each other?" I questioned with my arms crossed.

"You're the one who decided to go to a school where you knew I was. Were you thinking about me then?" He asked in a seething tone.

Yes, I was. Noah was all I thought about when choosing which school I'd go to. But no way in hell I was going to let Noah know that. "No. I haven't thought about you in months. Almost a year, actually," I said in a calm tone, but my words were poisonous and ready to kill.

But I felt like crap when I watched Noah's tight expression falter a bit. He swallowed before saying "fuck you," and he bumped my shoulder as he walked past me.

My heart fell to my stomach, feeling culpable. I didn't expect that. I expected him to call me out on my bullshit; he had to know I was lying. How could I not think about him? I figured Noah would have some snarky comeback, but he left looking hurt. I felt like a stupid middle schooler making cruel joke- I was childish.

I hated to admit it- and this probably made me more childish- but arguing with Noah was like an adrenaline rush and I knew I was addicted to it.

As soon as I walked outside my dormitory and spotted Ben, a big grin formed on my face and I ran up to him. He caught me in his arms with a laugh, "It's good to see you too."

It was seven pm, Ben picking me up right on time as promised.

We pulled back and his hands slid down to my waist. "I'm ready for our date. Today was so boring; all we did was go over the syllabus in all of my classes." I had the same three classes on Monday and Wednesday- Math, English, and Speech. On Friday I had psychology which I was looking forward to.

With my boyfriend's hand in mine, we turned towards Ben's car. "Yeah, that was how my day went too," he said and opened the door for me before settling into the drivers seat.

We were off to the restaurant and I told Ben about Kai and how he mumbles random things in his sleep, and Ben told me about his roommate.

"I'm so jealous," Ben groaned. We walked up to the restaurant. "You got stuck with someone cool with lesbian parents which makes him cooler," I chuckled at that. "And I got stuck with a 'frat bro' who owns way too many flat-bill, snapback hats."

"I'm sorry," I laughed as Ben opened the door for me. But my laughing ceased and I stopped in my tracks.

No, no, no. What is he doing here?

"You okay?" Ben asked, his hand on my lower back for comfort.

"Yeah." No, I wasn't okay.

Wow. God really had a twisted sense of humor because when Ben and I walked into Rosemary, Noah Wright was wiping down a table and placing dirty dishes in a bin.

Noah worked at Rosemary. Of course my ex worked at the restaurant my boyfriend was taking me too.

He wasn't looking our way. In fact, he was faced the opposite direction, so I could only see the back of him. But I'd know the back of Noah even through the dark (especially the back of him without clothes... but that's neither here nor there).

Noah was dressed like all the other males in the restaurant: black dress pants, black apron around his waist, white button down with the sleeved cuffed. A burgundy vest over his button down. They must not have regulated what type of shoes because Noah was wearing black converse.

Ben only noticed my discomfort, he hadn't noticed Noah until my ex turned around and we locked eyes. "We can go," Ben offered almost anxiously.

"No," I broke eye contact with Noah to face Ben. "You raved about this place. I'm here with you," I grabbed his hand, squeezing slightly with a reassuring smile. Noah wasn't going to ruin my date with Ben. I turned and scared anxiously at the podium with the sign 'Please wait and a host will be with you,' taped to it. I wanted to take our seats already. "Let's just pray he's not our waiter," I muttered.

I peaked back over at Noah and saw an older woman approach him. She looked a bit frantic (it was pretty busy that night, so her mood was understandable) as she spoke to Noah before leaving.

I couldn't here from where I stood, but he seemed to groan in frustration when she left.

Then he started heading our way. Oh no.

I looked away and took a step closer to Ben- my safety net. I refused to look up until Noah said, "Sorry for the wait. Just two?" He questioned in a forced pleasant tone.

"Just two," Ben confirmed.

"Great," Noah grabbed two menus and two sets of silverware that was wrapped in a fancy napkin. "This way." And he lead us to our table.


How convenient.

Okay, FucK schedules, it makes posting feel like homework and I get too excited for you guys to read!!!

Next chapter out soon!

-Xoxo, Bert

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